Crips Gang member killed: ‘We don’t believe it was a random attack’: Calgary Cops


Barry Artiste

New Canadians making Canada their home exchanging one culture for another by getting into gangs and drugs, certainly isn’t what our Country is about.

New Canadians new badge of honour walking all chicken chested brandishing guns and swaggering around neighbourhoods, terrorizing others as a group, the Bravest of the Brave, but as a lone individual not so Brave or swaggering.

Todays societal influences on impressionable young men, who see MTV and Movie Gangsta culture as a attractive way of life, want the bling, guns and drugs and easy money, which is always the case by those who would rather die than work for a living in Gettin Rich or Die Trying.

Gang member killed ‘We don’t believe it was a random attack’: Cops


A Ledbury-Banff Crips gang member from Ottawa was shot dead in a crowded Calgary community centre early Sunday, Ottawa police say.

Abdullah Hussein, 20, was killed and four men were injured when a gunman opened fire into a crowd at the community centre just after 3 a.m.

He was most likely gunned down by rival gang members seeking revenge because he was cutting in on their drug turf, says gang expert Michael Chettleburgh, who is working with both the Ottawa and Calgary police on their gang problems.

‘JOCKEYING FOR POSITION’ Chettleburgh wouldn’t get into specifics of this case, but said gangs are now “jockeying for position in the drug trade” in Edmonton, Calgary and Ottawa.

“If you’ve got guys coming into your territory, you’re going to settle it through revenge,” he said, noting the same thing is happening here.

“I know it’s going on in Ottawa.” Ottawa gang members have been heading west, trying to cash in on a booming economy — and drug trade. Crystal meth, khat and ecstasy are the top three. “It’s the cross that Calgary and Edmonton have to bear, this ‘Go West, young man,'” Chettleburgh said.

“They like the women, they like the drugs.” Before he moved to Calgary, Hussein lived with his family on Albion Rd. in Ottawa, said Abdirizak Karod, executive director of the Somali Centre for Family Services.

Below is my previous Op/ed piece on Gang Warfare in Ottawa from two days ago.

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Crips Gang member killed: 'We don't believe it was a random attack': Calgary Cops Crips Gang member killed: 'We don't believe it was a random attack': Calgary Cops Crips Gang member killed: 'We don't believe it was a random attack': Calgary Cops Crips Gang member killed: 'We don't believe it was a random attack': Calgary Cops Crips Gang member killed: 'We don't believe it was a random attack': Calgary Cops Crips Gang member killed: 'We don't believe it was a random attack': Calgary Cops

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