‘Defamation of religion’ not racism: UN experts

Barry Artiste Op.Ed

Well one can be sure many will have a difference of opinion and express it the only way they can by stacking their religious deck with as many Race Cards as they can get!

GENEVA — Three key United Nations human rights investigators challenged on Wednesday the idea promoted by Islamic countries that “defamation of religion” is racism and should be internationally banned.

In a statement at the UN’s controversy-dogged Durban II conference on race and discrimination, they said the concept — endorsed by big majorities in the world body for the past 10 years — was, like related blasphemy laws, open to abuse.

“Whereas some have argued that ‘defamation of religions’ could be equated to racism, we would like to caution against confusion between a racist statement and an act of ‘defamation of religion’,” they declared.

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