Deportations from Canada up

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

It’s about friggin time, course in 1999 the deportation levels were low as the Liberal Party in late 1998-1999 were in power during this time, perhaps the Liberals under Prime Minister Chretien were too busy getting al-qaeda terrorists out of prison to bring home to Canada. The Elder Ahmed Said Khadr family comes to mind as just one example, once he was safely back in  Canada, he brings his whole family back to Afghanistan, where he is gunned down, along with his kids, with Omar Khadr surviving and being sent to Gitmo, while his older brother now needs a wheelchair ramp if he ever decides to do anymore terrorist activities.  This refugee system is a farce where the well heeled can fly to Canada from their homeland costing thousands of dollars in airfare, flush their passports and identification enroute down the airplanes toilet, arrive in Canada and then make Customs and Immigration play a guessing game where these so called refugees are from? Cause god knows these refugees ain’t telling them, cause if they did, their asses would be on the next plane out!
Refugees are just that, living in camps with no money and little food, these people who fly here with cash in hand are asylum seekers and economic opportunists.

MONTREAL – Federal documents indicate deportations from Canada have skyrocketed more than 50 per cent in the last decade.

Statistics obtained under the Access to Information Act show the country deported more than 12,700 people last year – compared with about 8,300 in 1999. About three-quarters of those getting the boot are failed refugee claimants. Refugee advocates fear many of them are being sent home to torture and persecution because of a flawed asylum system.


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