Did Congressman Mahoney Help 2nd Mistress Win Federal Grant?

Here is the man who took Congressman Mark Foley’s 16th congressional district who said he would restore morality to the District.  The MSM is not all over this story like Foley’s story who did not have any sexual contact but sent mere text messages to house pages.  While this was wrong and I was behind his removal, why is it that Congressman Mahoney seems to get a pass comapred to what happened to the congressman before him.  In addition the Foley scandle also cost many congressman their job.  Will the unkept promicses of Speaker Pelosi cost folks thier congressional seats?  I am just wondering why it appears that Democrats get a pass on sexual miscondict while Republicans are sent out of town on a rail. 

I do agree that Republicans hold themselves to a higher standard.  Since they do this, they are responciple for the standards they put on themselves.

Current and former aides for Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL) say he was carrying on an affair with a county official from Florida at the same time he lobbied to help her county receive a $3.4 million federal grant.

Current and former aides for Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL) say he was carrying on an affair with a… ExpandCurrent and former aides for Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL) say he was carrying on an affair with a county official from Florida at the same time he lobbied to help her county receive a $3.4 million federal grant. Here, Mahoney delivers a speech as he celebrates his win over his Republican challenger Joe Negron for Former Rep. Mark Foley’s 16th Congressional District seat November 7, 2006 in Jupiter, Florida. Foley resigned his office amid charges he exchanged sexually explicit emails and instant messages on the internet with congressional pages. Collapse (Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

One former top campaign aide says Mahoney acknowledged the woman had spent the week at his Washington apartment but shrugged off warnings such behavior could cause him political trouble. The aides said the woman was also seen with Mahoney at restaurants and at his Washington DC apartment late at night.

Based on interviews with a number of staffers, campaign workers and top Democratic officials in Congress, it appears Mahoney ignored warnings since last year about what now appears to have been multiple extra-marital relationships.

ABC News reported Monday that one former Congressional and campaign staff member, Patricia Allen was paid $121,000 by Mahoney to keep her from filing suit and going public about their alleged affair after she had been fired by Mahoney.

Did Congressman Mahoney Help 2nd Mistress Win Federal Grant? Pelosi Calls for Investigation into Congressman Mahoney (D-FL)

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