Dinner with Sarah Palin? Opening bid: $25,000

Barry Artiste Op.Ed

I think Palin is smoking Hot, though if I won the lottery and had the cash, I would take her up on her offer!  Course, I would want to pick out the outfit I would want her to wear to my Hotel Room. I am thinking Birthday Suit and nothing else!  Me a PIG? Well yeah! Lets face it ladies aren’t we (Men) all?

Dinner with Sarah Palin? Opening bid: $25,000

Updated Fri. Sep. 4 2009 5:26 PM ET

The Associated Press

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Want to have dinner with former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin? Plan on writing a big check.

The ex-Republican vice-presidential candidate is offering the dinner as part of a charity auction on eBay for the Ride 2 Recovery program, which supports wounded veterans through cycling programs.

Source: ctv.ca

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