Disturbing Issue of JFK’s Secret Illness

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

New Facts come to light that US President John F Kennedy suffered daily from a Host of Ailments and was in excruciating pain because of it. Guess, just not excruciating enough to keep his “pecker in his pants” while “Banging Babes in the White House” while holding the Nations Highest Office, employing fixers to get him trysts on the public payroll, in his eternal quest to give “Free Baloney Pony Rides” to any young woman or Hollywood starlet who was within eye distance, much to the embarrassment to wife, his family a Nation and American voters as President of the United States.

Funny how History makes a Holier than Thou of someone, when Joe Public would be hauled into court or jail for doing the same thing. The old adage, “Money Talks, Bullsh*t Walks” certainly applies! One wonders if US President Bill Clinton ever broke JFK’s Record?


THE DOCTOR’S WORLD; Disturbing Issue of Kennedy’s Secret Illness


Published: October 6, 1992

An issue that has to be raised every Presidential campaign is the health of the candidates. The reason is that many Presidents have suffered serious illnesses while in the White House. All too often they, their families and aides have misled, if not lied to, the public about their health, with the malady becoming known only many years later.

Yet another instance of such reticence about Presidential disease is being published this week in The Journal of the American Medical Association. Two pathologists at the autopsy of John F. Kennedy have broken a long silence and stated that the President’s adrenal glands were found to be almost completely gone. The glands produce key regulatory hormones, and their absence, if they are not replaced, can cause wasting and death.

This establishes that contrary to repeated denials from Kennedy and his family, and cleverly worded cover stories issued by his aides, Kennedy did suffer for many years from adrenal insufficiency, or Addison’s disease. The pathologists were persuaded to talk about the case by the journal’s editor, Dr. George D. Lundberg, as part of his seven-year effort to answer lingering questions about the Kennedy autopsy and to help rebut conspiracy theories.

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