Dozens of Hillary Clinton $100,000 Backers to Meet with McCain Camp

Hillraisers” are backers that have raised at least $100,000 for the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Wall Street Journal reports that about two dozen of them are planning to meet with an avid John McCain supporter. A similar meeting occurred last month

Anger is still one major factor for some Hillary Clinton supporters as evidenced by the growing number of websites that are springing up from Clinton supporters against Barack Obama. Others quote different reasons such as inexperience, changing positions and mistrust. Some of those disenfranchised voters are planning to vote for John McCain and as a recent report showed, a third planning to just stay home and refusing to vote for Barack Obama.

A report from Wall Street Journal (WSJ) today (subscription required) shows that voters are not the only ones still showing anger or willing to consider backing John McCain, not just with votes but with campaign contributions.

The woman that will be meeting with these top Clinton backers is Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett-Packard Co. chief executive and once known as one of the most powerful businesswoman in the United States and shown in the above video explaining her respect and admiration for Hillary Clinton and her reasoning for backing and actively campaigning for John McCain.

While the majority of the 300 top “Hillraisers” have already started contributing and backing Barack Obama, many have not and in a second meeting of its kind this campaign season, the first happening last month, Fiorina will be speaking with them about supporting, contributing and/or campaigning for John McCain.

The McCain campaign is pressing its case with former Clinton donors. Roughly two dozen big Clinton backers are looking to meet soon with Carly Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard Co. chief executive who is avidly supporting Sen. McCain. The idea, said one person familiar with the campaign’s plans, is to pluck disaffected independents, and especially women, from the ranks of former Clinton supporters. A similar meeting occurred last month in Ohio between Ms. Fiorina and Clinton supporters, the McCain campaign said.

While the WSJ article shows many reasons why some Clinton donors simply will not support Obama, including the perceived sexism, his aloofness which was complained about even by people that have grudgingly started backing him and anger over how they thought Obama and the media treated Clinton during the primaries, there are groups of prominent Democrats that have gravitated to John McCain for more practical reasons, such as their belief that John McCain has more “judgment, character, courage and principle over politics and partisanship.”

Dozens of Hillary Clinton $100,000 Backers to Meet with McCain Camp

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