Economy Hits Russians and Hits them HARD!


A good old time in Russia | Photo 02

A good old time in Russia | Photo 02

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uploaded by Barry Artiste

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Russians in a about face when countries around the world are looking at Protectionist measures, Russians are protesting Higher Tariffs for imported vehicles, a lifeblood for Russians where a Russian Made Car breaks down in the middle of winter in the middle of nowhere, could mean a Death Knell for the occupants.  Anyone who has experienced ownership of a Russian Made Vehicle or Riding, or Pushing one will certainly see why Imports are superior to Russian Auto Technology. I have lived in Moscow, and used Gypsy Cabs, as most were Japanese Reliable Cars or German Cars.  With Russian Taxis, they use Ladas, in which a few times when I was stuck to take a cab, one time I pushed and rode a Lada  taxi once from the Puskin Museum almost to Moscow University, the Cab Driver and I were cursing all the way as cars whizzed by us. A tow truck you say? Funny, I do not think Moscow own any!

Angered over mounting economic problems, thousands of people took to the streets in Moscow and other cities around Russia over the weekend to denounce President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in the largest display of public discontentment in years.

United Russia, the party that dominates Russian politics and is led by Putin, brought thousands of people to Manezh Square near the Kremlin to rally in support of Putin and Medvedev.

The largest anti-government rally took place Saturday in Vladivostok, where the Communist Party led some 2,500 people in a march against the government and a recent decision to increase tariffs on imported cars. The livelihood of many local residents depends on imported cars.

Vladivostok protesters carried banners reading, “Kremlin, we are against you,” and some shouted slogans for Putin to resign, news agencies reported.

To give credit, where credit is due in the photos posted, I have included the scenarios taken by the following photographers. as the Now Public Descriptions is still not working. Photo 1 Alexander Zemlianichenko / AP OMON riot police detaining an opposition demonstrator during an anti-government protest in Moscow on Saturday. Photo 2 Handing out Food Thomas Peter / Reuters OMON riot police detaining an opposition demonstrator during an anti-government protest in Moscow on Saturday. Photo 3 mass Protest in the streets Yury Maltsev / Reuters Some 2,500 people marching during a Communist-led protest against the government in Vladivostok on Saturday. Photo 4 Fisticuffs among Protestors Thomas Peter / Reuters An unidentified man attacking an opposition protester Saturday in Moscow.

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