Election Day T-100 and Counting / Nader Interview

Iron Mil Interactive Media, Inc

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Election Day T- 100 Days and Counting

July 25, 2008 0700 ET

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor, Politisite.com

Hello all you Politicos, Politistes, Pollsters, Pundits, Political Scientists, Strategists, Statesman, the full electorate and, casual tea drinking political watchers.

There are one hundred days to the election, thats right just a bit over three months. This is the time when Political Strategists begin the re-frame of their candidates and their forward attacks against their opponents. During my time as a spin master (Public Relations) for a particular political party, I learned a few tricks along the way. During the next 100 days I will share some of the tactics used by the talking heads and pundits and give you the ability to tune your ears to determine what is spin and what is honest campaigning.

Additionally, I will be back on the campaign trail, reporting on location. We have upgraded our satellite equipment, bought a wireless card for our computers so we don’t get hit with what happened during the Youtube Republican Debate in Florida. We lost our wireless access, and just had an interview with Chuck Norris who was supporting Mike Huckabee.  I was the first to speak with Mr. Norris and was excited to get back to our press room, to upload our story.  The wireless was not working.

I then traveled back to the Space Coast, I finally  made it to my destination at around by 3 am. The Internet service was awful. I still have relatives that are happy with 56K modems and get 28K down streams. My story had to sit there until the next morning. In this news environment, waiting until morning is a death blow. Our story made it, on the net, on the 25 page of Google. No news services picked our story, not even the photos. Some photos taken of the interview made it in the mainstream media as there were cameras all around. But as formy company and I,  we dropped the ball not having an Internet back-up.

I will now let you know what our schedule will be in General. I will be updating you on events as that occur.

Today, July 25, 2008 11:30 am – Ralph Nader Interview at the Capital Building in Columbia, SC, I will be reporting the event on the Politiblogs and my NowPublic Readers.

July 29-August 7 – John McCain events

August 25-28, 2008 Democratic National Convention

September 1-4, 2008 Republican National Convention

Presidential Debate schedule will follow, as only one venue has been proposed at this time. We should be credentialed for each of these events.


Election Day T-100 and Counting / Nader Interview Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Ralph Nader Press Conferance and Interview  Columbia, SC 07/25/2008 Election Day T-100 and Counting / Nader Interview Election Day T-100 and Counting / Nader Interview Senator Barack Obama, Myrtle Beach, SC Media Credit Iron Mill Interactiive Media, inc Howard Dean With Politisite's Albert N. Milliron McCain Wins Washington Romney Dropping Presidential Bid Photo: Politisite.com Oprah Winfrey backs Barack Obama Photo Credit:  Iron Mill News Service  Super Tuesday Coverage  Super Tuesday Coverage Clinton Third - South Carolina - Politisite Political Projections - Obama Wins Photo Credit Kathryn Milliron Photo Credit Kathryn Milliron, Iron Mill News Edwards Won CNN Debate in Myrtle Beach : Says Who? Edwards Won CNN Debate in Myrtle Beach : Says Who? Edwards Won CNN Debate in Myrtle Beach : Says Who? Edwards Won CNN Debate in Myrtle Beach : Says Who? Edwards Won CNN Debate in Myrtle Beach : Says Who? Edwards Won CNN Debate in Myrtle Beach : Says Who? Kucinich Abandons White House Bid Kucinich Abandons White House Bid Kucinich Abandons White House Bid Kucinich Abandons White House Bid Billiary For President – Four More years! - Politisite's First of Three from South Carolina Billiary For President – Four More years! - Politisite's First of Three from South Carolina Duncan Hunter Endorses Huckabee Is Senator Fred Thompson Dropping out ?  Yes The Palace Supporters weathered the chill to show support for their Candidate The Happy Democratics Before the Fireworks Senator Clinton accuses Barak Obama of doing work for Slum Lords NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight NowPublic and Politisite at Democratic Debate Tonight Politisite will be Guest Blogging for NowPublic at the Democratic Debate in Myrtle Beach South Carolina Politisite Political Predictions, Huckabee by 5% Points Clinton Alleges Voter Intimidation Photo By Albert  Milliron Politisite.com / Iron Mill Interactive Media Inc  Artist form St Pete, Florida, expressing his feelings for  Bush and Liberty Romney Played Well in the Mitt The Rudy Schema:  Photo Courtesy Albert N. Milliron, Politisite.com  Giulani at GOP Debate provided by Photo by Albert N. Milliron -Politisite.com - Live Blogging from the Press Filing Room: S.C. Republican Debate Photos by Albert N. Milliron - SPIN ROOM Photos by Albert N. Milliron - SPIN ROOM Photos by Albert N. Milliron - SPIN ROOM Photo by Albert N. Milliron -The Spin Room  Reporters interview Romney Photo by Albert N. Milliron -The Spin Room  Reporters interview Romney Photo by Albert N. Milliron -The Spin Room  Reporters interview Romney Photo by Albert N. Milliron -The Spin Room  Reporters interview Romney Photo by Albert N. Milliron -The Spin Room  Reporters interview Romney Photo by Albert N. Milliron -Politisite.com - Photo by Albert N. Milliron -Politisite.com - Photo by Albert N. Milliron -Politisite.com - Photo by Albert N. Milliron -Politisite.com - Photo by Albert N. Milliron -Politisite.com - Live Blog: S.C. Republican Debate Live Blog: S.C. Republican Debate Live Blog: S.C. Republican Debate Live Blog: S.C. Republican Debate Live Blog: S.C. Republican Debate The Spin Room following the S.C. Republican Debate in Myrtle Beach The Spin Room following the S.C. Republican Debate in Myrtle Beach The Spin Room following the S.C. Republican Debate in Myrtle Beach Mayor Rudy Giuliana on Hannity and Colmes following the GOP Debate in Myrtle Beach, South Carolia norris4 huckabee_top

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