Ex-cons seek help finding jobs: Feel Discriminated by Employers

Barry Artiste Op.Ed

Well, guess Criminals didn’t quite figure that out, during the commission of a crime from Rape to Drugs to Murder.  Now they want the Government to push through Legislation to both Pardon them and to make it Discriminatory for Employers to Discriminate against them. Well, Well, ain’t that just make me feel all warm and fuzzy!   Youthful indiscretions like minor offences I can overlook, career criminals who are now to feeble or unable to turn to a life of crime,certainly bring a tear to my eye! NOT!  What they propose, like putting an armed bank robber to work in a bank? A pedaphile to work in a school? Hey, how about a Drug Dealer working in your local Pharmacy, or better yet a Rapist working in a Rape Crisis Centre, all Jobs they are quite familiar with to a point,unfortunately a negative point at that!

Shunned by employers, disoriented and financially busted, ex-cons are calling on the government to do more to help them land jobs and avoid repeat brushes with the law.

Chuck Zwicker, who founded the web-based peer support service Cons Helping Cons, wants federal and provincial governments to launch incentive programs for employers to hire offenders trying to transition back into society. He said public safety is best protected when an ex-con is able to find employment instead of relapsing into bad old habits.

Yet most find it tough to land a job with a criminal record.

Source: ottawasun.com

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