Exhaustive Presidential Polls, Every Angle, Every Side

PRINCETON, NJ — The Sept. 15-17 Gallup Poll Daily tracking update shows Barack Obama with a 48% to 44% lead over John McCain among registered voters, marking the first time that Obama has held a statistically significant lead in two weeks.


Source: gallup.com via politisite

The Rasmussen Tracking Poll

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama gaining ground on John McCain for the third time in four days. The race for the White House is now tied with both candidates attracting 48% of the vote. Just a few days ago, McCain enjoyed a three-percentage point lead (see trends). Results are released every day at 9:30(source Rasmussen)

With a 14-point lead among women and a 91-point lead among blacks, Democrat Sen. Barack Obama leads Republican Sen. John McCain 49 – 45 percent among likely voters nationwide, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today.

This compares to a 47 – 42 percent Sen. Obama lead in an August 19 poll by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

In this latest survey, 51 percent of voters say Sen. McCain’s proposed tax cut will benefit the rich, while 9 percent say it will help the middle class and 1 percent say it will help the poor.

Obama’s tax cut plan will help the rich 9 percent say, while 33 percent say it will help the middle class and 22 percent say it will help the poor.

In the matchup, McCain leads 50 – 43 percent among men, compared to 46 – 41 percent August 19, and 52 – 43 percent among white voters, compared to 48 – 40 percent last month. He also leads 71 – 21 percent among white Evangelical Christians, up from 65 – 25 percent.

Other Polls

Hotline/FD Tracking 09/15 – 09/17 912 RV 42 46 Obama +4
Battleground Tracking* 09/10 – 09/17 800 LV 47 45 McCain +2
CBS News/NY Times 09/12 – 09/16 LV 44 49 Obama +5
Pew Research 09/09 – 09/14 2307 LV 46 46 Tie
Reuters/Zogby 09/11 – 09/13 1008 LV 45 47 Obama +2

State Polls

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