Facebook CEO Admits Biden Admin pressured him to Censure Users and Factual News

Mark Zuckerberg’s recent admission that government pressure led Facebook to censor American citizens is not just an apology; it’s a wake-up call for all of us who value free speech. When Zuckerberg states, “I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it,” it’s hard not to feel a mix of anger and disbelief. This isn’t just a simple misstep; it’s a betrayal of the principles we hold dear.

For years, Facebook has been at the forefront of a massive censorship apparatus, and Zuckerberg’s belated regret feels more like a half-hearted confession from someone caught in the act than a genuine acknowledgment of wrongdoing. His actions—or lack thereof—speak volumes. It wasn’t until House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and the committee compelled him to release evidence that Zuckerberg finally had to confront the reality of his company’s complicity in suppressing dissenting voices.

It is extremely concerning that collusion between government, corporations, academia, and media threatens free speech. Zuckerberg has been silent for far too long, particularly while Elon Musk exposed similar censorship practices on Twitter. Why did Zuckerberg choose to remain quiet while Musk faced intense backlash from anti-free speech advocates? It’s time to ask ourselves: what does this say about his commitment to transparency and free expression?

Consider the implications of Facebook’s actions during the Hunter Biden laptop controversy. While the Biden administration pushed the narrative that the laptop was Russian disinformation, Facebook was pressured to suppress the story, all while hiding evidence of this coercion. When the Supreme Court heard the Murthy v. Missouri case, it became clear that censorship was not just a choice but a product of government pressure. Yet Zuckerberg remained silent, watching as the truth unfolded in the courts.

Now, Zuckerberg wants us to believe he regrets his company’s actions. But let’s not forget that while he expresses remorse, Facebook has actively campaigned to normalize censorship. In 2021, the company launched a commercial campaign aimed at convincing young people that censorship—dubbed “content moderation”—is a necessary evolution in our digital age. By using relatable figures like “Joshan,” who claims to embrace the blending of the real world and the internet, Facebook sought to instill a sense of acceptance around censorship among the very generation that has been taught to view free speech as dangerous.

This is not just a minor issue; it’s a significant cultural shift that Zuckerberg and Facebook have tried to capitalize on. They aimed to create a generation of speech-phobics, eager to embrace their concept of “content modification.” Now, after years of selling this narrative, Zuckerberg claims to feel pressured and regrets his role in silencing opposing voices. It’s a feigned regret that emerges only when the truth becomes impossible to ignore.

The Facebook files have shattered the facade, revealing a long history of collaboration between the Biden administration and tech giants to eliminate dissent. For years, critics like myself have been dismissed as conspiracy theorists, yet the evidence is finally undeniable. The Biden administration has systematically demanded the removal of opposing viewpoints, pushing for censorship on issues as varied as climate change and beyond.

Consider the chilling statement from Jen Easterly, head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, who suggested that her agency would now police our “cognitive infrastructure.” This is a direct threat to free speech and an alarming indication of the lengths to which the government will go to control the narrative.

Now more than ever, we must demand accountability and transparency from tech giants and our government. We cannot allow the normalization of censorship to continue unchecked. It’s time to stand up for our fundamental right to free speech and reject the notion that our voices should be silenced—regardless of the pressures from those in power. Let’s not allow Zuckerberg’s empty apologies to distract us from the real issue at hand: the fight for our right to speak freely.

Read More:

  1. Meta CEO admits Biden-Harris admin pressured company to censor Americans
  2. Zuckerberg says Biden admin “pressured” Meta to censor Covid-19
  3. Mark Zuckerberg Will Never Win
  4. Former Parler CEO reacts to news that Biden White House pressure
  5. Mark Zuckerberg admits Biden-Harris admin ‘pressured’ Facebook to censor Americans, and he went along with it
  6. Joe Biden pressure campaign to censor Facebook, YouTube, Amazon