Firefox 3.0 downloads surpass 8 million

Firefox 3 downloads clear 8 million mark


Take this statistic with a grain of salt, but Mozilla said more than 8 million copies of Firefox 3 were downloaded in its first 24 hours online.

Mozilla, which is behind the open-source Web browser, was trying to set a download record for the software. The 24-hour period lasted from 11:16 a.m. PDT Tuesday to the same time Wednesday, and Mozilla said it’s waiting for the Guinness Book of World Records to review the results.

The download rate, which peaked at 14,000 per minute Tuesday, was still going strong at more than 6,000 per minute Wednesday morning.

Next question: will it make a difference?

Mozilla fanned the fanboy flames with its download record attempt, but it’s likely the majority of those who downloaded Firefox 3 at this stage will just use it to replace Firefox 2, not a competitor such as Microsoft’s still-dominant Internet Explorer or Apple’s third-place Safari.

Firefox 3.0 downloads surpass 7 million Posted by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes @ 7:30 am Categories: Software Tags: Download, Mozilla Firefox 3.0, Mozilla Firefox, Download Counter, Web Browsers, Internet, Adrian Kingsley-Hughes Seems that Mozilla’s Download Day has a fair amount of traction behind it! The download counter has just passed 7 million downloads and is increasing at a rate of around 6,800 downloads a minute.  Over 2.3 million of those downloads have happened in the US. And download day isn’t over – there’s still  few hours to go.

Firefox 3.0 downloads surpass 8 million

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