Florida Woman Killed In Freak StingRay Incident

Florida Woman Killed In Freak Sting Ray Incident

Is Nature lashing out at humans due to our poor stewardship of the environment?  I actually heard this argument recently,  the attacks from the animals of the world are lashing out at humans due to Global Warming.  What are your thoughts?  As a Green Republican, I am afraid that my dogs at anytime will attack my wife and I as we sleep due to the global temperature going up by one degree.

The sting Ray attacks are somewhat bizzare as the odds of this type of accident is  like of being struck  by lightning 6 times to one Sting Ray Attack. 

Putting aside the  commentary, it is sad to hear of another incident like this.  Following my Grandmother passing last month, I realized that life is very precious and each day we should live as though it is our last.  Each tragic incident these thoughts pass though the grand stand of our mind momentarilly, maybe we should renew our commitment to live our lives as it is our last day.  Maybe we wont cut off the driver in front of us, or get angry that the person in front of us at the, 10 items or less, check out counter has a dozen eggs and a six pack of beer.

MARATHON, Fla. (CBS) ― Officials in Florida are investigating a bizarre death.

Jorge Pino, with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, said a woman was on a boat with her family off Marathon when an Eagle Ray jumped out of the water next to the vessel. The animal struck the woman who fell backward and suffered a severe head trauma, reported CBS station WFOR-TV in Miami.

Initial reports said the animal’s sharp defensive barb, located near the base of its tail, had lodged in the woman’s neck.

The woman died before help could arrive.

The incident is eerily reminiscent of the death of Steve Irwin, better known as television’s “Crocodile Hunter

Source: cbs3.com via politisite

MIAMI — A Michigan woman who was boating with her family in the Florida Keys has died from a ray attack, a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission officer said.


Jorge Pino told Local 10 the 55-year-old woman died after “a ray actually jumped out of the water and collided” with the boat.


“We don’t know if she died as a result of the collision or if she died as a result of being speared by the barb, or she may have died as a result of hitting her head on the vessel somewhere or a combination of the three,” Pino said via telephone.

Source: local10.com via politisite

School of flying Mantas jumping out of water Florida Woman Killed In Freak Sting Ray Incident

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1 Comment

  1. What I want to know is, why is the eagle ray dead? Did it die on impact as well, or was it left to die on the deck of the boat?

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