Former Newf minister Byrne screws de pooch pleads guilty to fraud

Barry Artiste Op-Ed

Ya know Newfoundlanders since joining Canadian Federation in the late 1940s have always gotten the short end of the stick, they cant fish in their own waters, yet watch other european countries scoop up cod by the sombero full, they got gas and oil rigs, but somehow money doesnt seem to be flowing to the average joe 6 pack newfoundlander. Cant hunt seals, because some Ancient French Movie Tart from France and a One legged Celeb of the Day who married and  financially screwed over a Beatle says its cruel, yep Cruel, when rich comfy celebs come a wailing to the media, while a population of the rock are thrown a Welfare bone, they detest to recieve. This, regardless that Newfs have been hunting and fishing for centuries on their little island, they were happy, had a bit o change in their pockets for the pub on a friday night.   Newfs affectionately call their home the Rock, though it is one of the jewels of Canada, breathtaking scenery like you would not believe and a people whose quick smile and humour belies the crap they are going through.

Turmoil, high unemployment has seen centuries old towns closed, relagated to being ghost towns.  Now one of the own are screwing the pooch when it comes to the citizens of the rock.  Whats next,,, their pensions too.  Anyways, lets hope they blindfold these guilty buggers and make em walk take a long walk off a short pier.

Certainly not the Canada the Newfoundland peoples envisioned when they were suckered into joining Canada as a Province.  The way they are treated is a crime, a crime much like these 5 Political crooks, a mix of Liberal and New Democratic Politicians who if they recieve justice, may get a pittance of a sentence compared to what a disheartened polulace get every day to learn their own kind are not about putting a well place fishing hook through the taxpayers lips.

A disgraced former Newfoundland and Labrador cabinet minister pleaded guilty Friday to charges that included defrauding the government of money paid through his legislative allowance.

Ed Byrne, who resigned as natural resources minister in June 2006 when a scandal over legislative spending began to rock Newfoundland and Labrador politics, entered the plea Friday morning in provincial court in St. John’s.

Byrne pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud, including one charge of fraud against the government, a crime that was formerly known as influence peddling.


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