Fox News Crew Ruffed-up by out of control ReCreate68 Mob

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor,, Op-Ed

The Fox News Channel has been called an extension of the Republican Party since it’s inception.  The rhetoric comes from some of the highest levels within the Democratic party.  Going as far as saying that Republican Talking points from the White House are sent to and used in Fox News broadcasts.

The former White House Press secretary, Scott McClellan, while on his book tour told reporters that he sent talking points to some of the news commentators at Fox.  When pushed for names, McClellan was unable to provide evidence or names of people he sent talking points to. He’s just trying to sell his book

Fox News, during the election season, has been the most watched news in the Cable industry.  The Former DNC chairman, Terry McAuliffe who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign adviser, related on that Fox News was the fairest news service to Clinton during the election. 

The idea that Rupert Murdoch is in the Pocket of the Republican party is absurd.  That rhetoric has now translated to violent acts against Griff Jenkins of Fox News.  Griff Jenkins was there to report the activities of the protest ReCreate68 which refers to the 1968 convention protests of the anti-war movement during the Vietnam war.  Those demonstrators shouted, “Give peace a chance”, while they were taking the law into their own hands, executing vigilante Justice.  I guess the Re-creation is to beat the daylights out of a news crew while asking for our violent troops to return home from a war zone.  Ward Churchill was there as well, you know that pillar of creative thought, who called  9/11 terrorist attacks victims “little Eichmanns.”  Cynthia McKinney, Presidential candidate for the Green Party was there as well.  She is my favorite former Georgian.  Remember her? She is the Congresswoman who assaulted a Capital Policeman for asking for her I.D.  She didn’t have her required name tag on.  She is also a peaceful woman who takes campaign contrubutions from terroist groups. Kind of gives you a flavor of the brand of  humanity protesting at these events

In conclusion, The peace movement was nothing more then a group of lackeys who have nothing more to contribute to society then a punch in the nose.

Media Credit- The Political Machine

The Recreate68 protest included a rally, speeches, Cynthia McKinney, a hip-hop performance, costumes, slogans, Palestinian flags and, of course, assault on Fox News.

he protesters got very physical with the Fox crew. They attempted to smash the camera on the street, and, when they couldn’t get it from the cameraman’s grasp, they just started shoving him instead. It looked like the initial hit struck the camera on the bridge of his nose hard enough to draw blood, but I couldn’t be sure. Eventually the Fox crew had to leave on a side street. The bloodthirsty crowd cheered their Roman Coliseum cheers.

The rage and hate of the violent protesters was clear. They despised the Fox News crew. They feel Fox is conservative, and therefore, I suppose, scum. So much for hearing all views.

Source: via politisite

The Other Side of the Story

Security at an anti-war rally outside the state Capitol this morning allegedly had to break up a confrontation between a Fox News reporter and Ward Churchill, a former University of Colorado professor who caused an uproar when he called victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks “little Eichmanns.”

Churchill, who was thrust into the national spotlight after writing a controversial essay in which he compared the victims of the 9/11 terror attacks to Nazi bureaucrat Adolf Eichmann, was hounded by the persistent reporter, who allegedly put his hands on Churchill, organizer Glenn Spagnuolo said.

“We’re not going to stand for your lies,” a demonstrator yells.

Spagnuolo said the reporter put his hands on Churchill.

The reporter “decided he wanted to be part of the news instead of reporting the news and wanted to mix it up with Ward Churchill for some reason,” Spagnuolo said.

Spagnuolo said the reporter got out of hand.

“Our security pushed him away from (Churchill) because nobody touches Ward while he’s here,” Spagnuolo said. “As soon as he put his hands on him, security moved him away.”

Hot Air calls it Free Speech Denver Style

Griff Jenkins at Fox News covered the “Recreate ‘68″ protest rally that preceded the Democratic convention in Denver today. As you can see for yourself, Griff and his Fox News microphone gets swallowed up quickly by a hostile crowd that refuses to engage with him at all. Instead, they yell slogans to keep him from interviewing anyone:

So everyone gets a chance to exercise their free speech, and at the same time, no one says a damned thing. Meanwhile, the protesters lose a chance to get their message out over what they see as a hostile media outlet — and an opportunity to change minds. Instead, they chant mindless slogans like “Fox Is Slander” without any explanation of that argument either.

Source: via politisite

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  1. Fox News is infotainment. I don’t care if they are republican or democrat, both parties not serving the people. The media is a business for the profit of the corporate owners who are also war profiteers.

    So F_K Faux Nooz!!!!!

    CFR rats are trying to keep the country divided with silly simpleton politics, while our nation is being raped.

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