Gangland fears rise in Fraser Valley


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Barry Artiste Op/Ed

A Shooting with machine gun fire a blazing near our Solicitor Generals Constituency office shocks our Province’s Top Cop? Will wonders never cease? How can this happen, what can we do about it is Solicitor Generals Dongan’s response to the Media?  I ask did  you just fall off a lettuce truck, or you a moron? Where the hell have you been for the last decade, in a friggin Coma? Do you not read the newspapers, listen to your citizens and Police departments who for years asking your Justice Ministry for help stopping all the drugs, rapes and murders in this Lawless Province we call British Columbia, Give me a Friggin Break! You ask us now to provide you with a Solution to these crimes? Here is a solution, Resign and take your incompetent Judicial System with you!

Well-known gangster Jamie Bacon’s black Mercedes, which was riddled with bullet-holes, sits a few blocks from where Tuesday’s shooting occurred, crashed into the concrete stairs in front of the Keg restaurant.Photograph by: Christina Toth, Abbotsford/Mission Times

ABBOTSFORD — Solicitor-General John van Dongen says an afternoon gangland shooting less than a kilometre from his Abbotsford constituency office Tuesday “is totally, totally unacceptable.”

And van Dongen said he understands that Abbotsford residents are fearful after the near assassination of gangster Jamie Bacon at a busy intersection packed with shoppers and their vehicles.

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