Gawker Publish Sarah Palin’s Personal Emails

The Website who brought your the Montauk Monster has now published the hacked account of Vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.  We have added some of the information in a low resolution state.  The website showed actual emails and published Palin’s whole email contact list.

Have tabloid type websites gone too far?  Sarah Palin’s private e-mail hacked, family photos raided; cesspool blog gloats

Sometime early this morning, between approximately 3:00am – 4:00am, members of an infamous group of hackers broke into Gov. Sarah Palin’s private Yahoo e-mail account. The incriminating discussion threads included screenshots of Palin’s e-mail and private e-mail addresses of her contacts. The threads have since been deleted.

Hacking e-mail is a federal crime. A TV anchor who broke into his colleague’s e-mail account recently pleaded guilty and faces a maximum five years in prison.

The law will catch up to the hackers, but what about the lowlifes who are now gleefully splashing the alleged contents of Palin’s private e-mail account all over the Internet?

The Gawker smear machine — see here for all the background you need — has posted private family photos of Palin’s children that were apparently stolen from the e-mail account.

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, McCain-Palin 2008 Campaign Manager Rick Davis issued the following statement concerning reports about Governor Palin’s email and an invasion of privacy:
“This is a shocking invasion of the Governor’s privacy and a violation of law. The matter has been turned over to the appropriate authorities and we hope that anyone in possession of these emails will destroy them. We will have no further comment.”

Sarah Palin’s Personal Emails

Did the internet just cause Sarah Palin to destroy evidence? The potential Veep is in a bit of trouble for conducting state business using her personal, unarchived email address ([email protected]) instead of her official account (which is, of course, subject to laws requiring the retention of government records). Emails from that Yahoo account are already being sought in connection with the Troopergate investigation. Now comes word that Anonymous, the fun-loving Internet trouble-makers based loosely around the message board 4Chan, gained access to another Palin email account: [email protected]. It looks legit! The offending posts, screenshots, heretofore unseen family photos, and emails have all been deleted from Imageshack and 4Chan. But we have them. You want to read Sarah Palin’s email?

Ok, sad thing first: a good Samaritan reset the password and tried to alert Sarah. But he also posted the new password, causing multiple people to try to log in at once, freezing the account for 24 hours. And now, the account has been deleted! Which is, as we said, maybe destruction of evidence? So for now this is, we think, all we’ll get to see from this email account (if anyone finds evidence of saved emails, let us know.)


    Source: via politisite

    Gawker Publishes Sarah Palin's Personal Emails

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    1. I wouldn’t put it past Palin to set this up HERSELF as she is so deceptive. She probably knew there was damning evidence about her and her situations in Alaska. What better way to win the sympathy of the public than detract them this way, pretend you’re outraged, and then POOF — all the evidence is suddenly gone!

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