George Carlin, My Inspiration to pursue broadcasting, Dies at 71

George Carlin, My Inspiration to pursue a career in broadcasting, Dies at 71

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor,

George Carlin was my inspiration to get in to radio. although he was most famous for the 7 things I couldn’t say while on the air.  I first listened to Carlin when I was 14 years old in the 70s.  I memorized, Bill Beeper, Wonderful WINO Radio, The hippy Dippy weatherman, and most of his metaphor, oxy-morons, and plays on words.  George taught me how to develop a lower voice and how to use inflection.

I began spinning records at a local roller rink and did dances with my, “Disco-techique on wheels”.  I was started working at Studio 19 in Clearwater Florida (a popular night club) the day I turned 18 years old.  Later I worked at one of Florida’s best known night club in Cocoa Beach called Brassy’s.  I did my first radio commercials in Clearwater and Sarasota.  Later Orlando.  My first radio program was in Cocoa, FL I stayed in radio all through college.  Some of my commercials still play in Florida (come on guys, pay the 40 bucks and get a better voice).

 One Blogger explained, about Carlins Death, “WINO Radio is off the Air” He was the single greatest influence on getting me started in radio.  I never met him,  never saw him live, I only listened to his 8 track tapes, and watched him on TV.  I loved him,  later in his life,  in a few movies.

I know it is odd to speak to one who has passed.  I will do it anyway.  George, Thank You for helping me, become the man I am.  No more shy, no more unpopular, no more untalented.  Thank You George.  I am sure Sister Mary Margret is waiting in heaven to give you a piece of her mind. 

Thanks George

Albert N. Milliron

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