Georgia Expands Concealed Carry Laws

Georgia Expands Concealed Carry Laws

Georgia allows for law abiding citizens to carry a concealed weapon by applying to a judge through the county tax collectors office.  One must go through a background check through NCIC and the FBI.  Since the application is applied for locally, Police will usually be asked to check records to see if the applicant has any criminal history or if law enforcement is aware of the applicant.  A judge can denie an application for mental health, legal, or other issues described by law.  An applicant is required to be of good representation. 

Georgia’s right to carry laws have done the state well as it is reported often in local news stories that a crime was foiled by a concealed carry permit holder. 


It has taken 10 years to expand the current laws.  CCP holders still cannot bring a weapon into a political or sporting events.  Consuming alcohol is prohibited while carrying a weapon. Additionally one cannot carry into public (government) buildings.

ATLANTA, April 3 (UPI) — The Georgia Senate has approved legislation that would allow people with permits for concealed weapons to carry them on commuter trains.

They would also be able to bring guns into restaurants if they do not drink, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

The changes in concealed weapons laws were added to a bill giving constables in Magistrates Court the power to carry guns. The measure goes to the state House of Representatives, which tends to be friendlier to gun owners than the Senate.

Sen. John Douglas, a Republican, said responsible gun owners should be allowed to carry their weapons so they can protect themselves. But Democratic Sen. Nan Orrock suggested that the rule about drinking would be hard to enforce.

“Is it wise to send the message that it’s open season for gun-toters on MARTA?” she asked, referring to the Atlanta mass transit system.

Source: via politisite

Georgia Expands Concealed Carry Laws

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