Heckler interrupts Obama’s Western Wall visit

Heckler interrupts Western Wall visit

JERUSALEM — Barack Obama made a visit early Thursday morning to one of the most sacred spots in Jerusalem, the section of the western supporting wall of the Temple Mount. But the solemn moment was interrupted by a lone heckler.

 He arrived at 5 a.m., as a clear moon lit a still-dark sky. Wearing a white skull cap, Obama walked to the Western Wall with the Rabbi of the Wall, Shmuel Rabinovich, and was surrounded by many others when he reached the wall.

The rabbi and Obama flipped through a holy book on a wooden stand, but the moment was interrupted when a man standing about 10 yards away yelled over and over, “Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale! Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale!”

Following the prayer, Obama approached the wall and placed a personal note between the stone cracks, and bowed his head in quiet contemplation.

The heckler continued his chant as Obama walked away from the Wall. Several other men tried to drown out his voice with chants of, “Obama, Obama, Obama.”

“It was rowdier than the last time I was there,” Obama told reporters on his campaign plane before it took off from Jerusalem to Berlin.

Source: politico.com via politisite

Obama’s latest campaign prop: Jerusalem’s Western Wall; Update: Protests/heckling mar photo-op By Michelle Malkin  •  July 23, 2008 09:57 PM

Update: 12:24am. Obama is heckled at the Western Wall. Photo-op ruined. But will the slavering American media report it? The Times of London has the story: “The US presidential nominee was heckled as he visited the Western Wall in the early hours of Thursday morning, bowing his head in prayer and observing traditional custom by placing a folded piece of paper into the crevice of the wall. Orthodox men interrupted their morning prayers to catch a glimpse of the Illinois senator, reaching out to shake his hand as he passed them by. But not all were taken by the Democrat. One yelled out: ‘Obama, Jerusalem is not for sale!’ before Mr Obama was whisked away to his waiting plane.”


John McCain exploited the imagery of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico earlier this month. That crass move was nothing compared to Barack Obama’s religious prop. He’s visiting Jerusalem’s Western Wall late tonight with the slavering Obamedia in tow. Will he have his campaign staff leave a grafitti Obama ‘08 logo on the hallowed site?

Might as well. Looks like it’s working with some people:

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