Help find Jessie Foster, Nevada Search

One of the members of NowPublic, JessiesMomGlendene is still searching for her missing daughter Jessie Foster.

She just received word yesterday that Frank Mahoney from the National Centre for Missing Loved Ones in Las Vegas is going back out into the Nevada desert to search for the body of Jessie Foster.

The missing posters are up in Las Vegas and the search is back on, but volunteers are needed and so if you are in the Las Vegas area and can help out, please get in touch and do so.

Jessie Foster has been missing since April 9, 2006, so it has been a long and trying time for her family and everyone involved in the case. She disappeared only a few months after leaving Kamloops BC to be with her boyfriend in Las Vegas. It is unknown what happened to her, but her family has never given up hope she will show up alive.

This is an ongoing news story, so I am putting the word out there again for help and assistance in this difficult time.

Some added information:

ATV’s would be good if you have them. If not you can walk with the rest of us.
We have a request from the mother of a missing woman, Jessie Foster (North Las Vegas Police case 2006) to check an area in the desert for her remains.

We will meet next Sat Nov 1, 2008 at 9am at the corner of Lamb and Centennial Pwky .
Dress for walking and the weather.

Direction: 215 to Lamb south on Lamb one block 15 to west on 215 to Lamb l/south to Centennial Pkwy
RVSP to Frank Mahoney at 702-564-1466

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