Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township.


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

Liberal everywhere must be backslapping each other over their “Crotch Grabbingly Success ” over their contraversal Liberal Implemented Billion Dollar Gun Registry Boondoggle, taxpayers footed for.

Only 19, that’s only a mere 19 Gun murders of teens in one year that is not even over yet for another 5 months.

Not to worry, the Liberals assured us this Gun Registry in which everyone must register their guns, will be a cakewalk in finding the Shooters, cause we all know Criminals and Murderers are always the first ones to step up to the plate and register their illegal handguns.

Break out the champagne as liberal laws in Ontario, Premier McGuinty and Liberal Judges must be breathing a sigh of relief, that Ontario is winning the War on Gun related crimes, especially in smaller regions like Peel and elsewhere.

Better get Michael Moore on the Horn, as I am sure he will love to do a sequel on Gun Crime in Canada in which his previous Documentary stated pretty much Canada doesn’t have Gun Crime.

Yay, I am so happy now, I could just Sh*t with Liberal Deelite!


August 23, 2008

Boy shot behind school Teen slain in schoolyard is Peel’s 19th murder victim


The murder rate in Peel Region continues to soar to an all-time high as a teenage boy, who wasn’t even old enough to drive, was gunned down behind a school in Mississauga last night.

Peel police say they received a 911 call just before 6:30 p.m. about a shooting at the back of St. Jude Separate School on Nahani Way, northeast of Hurontario St. and Eglinton Ave. E.

When officers arrived they found the lifeless body of a 15-year-old boy lying on the elementary school’s football field.

“The victim was transported to an area hospital with no vital signs,” Const. J. P. Valade said at the scene.

The teen, the youngest of the record-setting 19 murder victims in the region so far this year, had been shot several times.

The previous record was 17.

Here is a timeline link on the Liberal Implemented Billion Dollar Gun Registry


Here is another link about the Liberal Gun Registry program by Anti Liberal Detractors, Damn them to Hell for saying any truthful, cause we know Liberals maybe always Wrong, but at least Liberals are Smug in Knowing it is Okay, cause they’ll find someone else to blame for their failures.


Here is Micheal Moores link to his story on why Canada’s Gun Registry is working, at least in Michael Moores delusional world, by Ted Kopell  of the National Review



After over an hour spent on the horrors of the United States, Moore switches to the peaceful society of Canada.

He begins by arguing that Canada and the United States are very similar — except that Canada has a generous welfare state, and no culture of fear.

It’s true that Canada does have a lot of guns compared to England or Japan, but Canada’s per-capita gun ownership rate is about a third of the American level.

Moore films the over-the-counter purchase, no questions asked, of some ammunition in a Canadian store.

The Canadian government has pointed out that such a transaction would be illegal, since the buyer is required to present identification.

Moore did not respond to a request from the government’s Canadian Firearms Centre to explain whether he staged a fake purchase, edited out the ID request, or broke the law.

Moore then tells the audience that 13 percent of the Canadian population is minority ethnic, the same as in the U.S.

Actually, it’s about 31 percent in the U.S. More significantly, blacks and Hispanics, who are involved in well over 50 percent of American homicides (both as victims and as perpetrators) make up about 2.5 percent of the Canadian population.

In the United States, each group makes up about one-eighth of the U.S. population. Comparing U.S. gun-death totals with Canada’s, Moore offers a U.S. total that includes death by legal intervention (e.g., a violent felon being shot by a police officer) while omitting this same category from the Canadian total.

Barry Artiste Closing Comments

In ending, the reason why Canada has less Gun Crime than the United States, has more to do with our small population of 30 plus million, versus the US population of 250 Million, do the math, of course we would have less Gun Crime, but not for trying.

“Still, if you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case; you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” ~~ Winston Churchill

Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township. Hey Michael Moore!! 19 Teen Gun Murders and Counting for small regional Canadian township.

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