High Profile Clinton Donors Are Contributing to McCain

ABC news investigative reporters have turned up an interesting trend.  High profile Clinton supporters have traded parties allegiances as they are now writing checks to McCain campaign rather then Obama.  Financial records were reviewed of those who contributed to the Clinton campaign show a large amount of suppoters like, Donald Trump, Univision chief and others have been writing check and providing fundraisers for McCain. 

Some of Hillary Clinton’s most fervent supporters are taking their enthusiasm – and their campaign contributions – to John McCain.

More than 85 of Clinton’s fundraisers, including Donald Trump, Univision chief executive Joseph Uva, cable mogul Charles Dolan, philanthropist Norma Hess and one of Florida’s biggest lobbyists appear to be skipping Barack Obama when it comes to writing checks for the general election, according to an ABCNews.com review of campaign finance records.

These Clinton donors have contributed at least $200,000 to McCain’s campaign in the last few months, an amount which doesn’t include larger contributions to the Republican joint fundraising

High Profile Clinton Donors Are Contributing to McCain

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