Honeymoon on the Obama trail: Dozens of Canadians volunteer in campaign for White House


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

You know a Canadian Man leaving for the United States right after your wedding to run to Obama, may say a couple of things. Either you have an unhealthy fixation with Obama, you’re wife is less than alluring, or finally, some may think you are a Looney. I am thinking all three.  Obama and his wife, a picture perfect married couple, perhaps would share some secrets to a happy marriage with this guy in saying, “Hey!, maybe you should at least enjoy your honeymoon first before coming to town?

Obama’s wife knowing all this should insist on more security for her husband, when a grown man leaves his new wife, to ingrate himself in Obama’s life. If I were Obama, I would be thinking that little voice in his head would be saying “Run Away, Run Away”!!


Honeymoon on the Obama trail, Dozens of Canadians volunteer in campaign for White House

Sara Ditta The Edmonton Journal

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hours after his June wedding reception, Matt Oberhoffner boarded a plane to New Hampshire with no plans to return until the end of the U.S. presidential campaign.

“It was surreal,” Oberhoffner said. “I thought to myself, ‘I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.

‘ ” Leaving his life, and new wife, behind in Edmonton, the 27-year-old went off to work 80-hour weeks for Sen. Barack Obama after being drawn to the Democratic candidate’s message of hope.

“He’s such a vehicle for change and has inspired so many people. It’s just something I wanted to be a part of,” Oberhoffner said.

“It’s really a generational opportunity.” Obama is set to be confirmed as the party’s candidate at the Democratic National Convention this week. A

side from influencing millions of Americans, Obama has motivated a number of people in Canada to put their lives on hold to join his campaign.

It is estimated that about 40 Canadians have joined the campaign in five states. In addition, contingents from several provinces have volunteered, including 17 from B.C., calling themselves Canadians for Obama, who went to Washington in February, and another 10 from Ontario who made a trip to Texas.

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1 Comment

  1. Canadians are a bunch of dirty communists — so why is this even news?

    Obama’s choice of Biden, who got 638 votes in NH, will sink him.


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