How Right-Leaning Leaders “Outplay” the Opposition!

Barry Artiste op/Ed

How I have always seen it when it comes to the Liberals and the Conservatives is this. the Liberal left on one hand promise “Pie in the Sky” promises without forethought of the financial or moral consequences, much like a visiting favourite childess Aunt & Uncle who only infrequently come to visit, and when they do, they spoil you with attention, candy and fast food trips and visits to Toys R Us and after the visit, they go back home, leaving your parents to deal with your Now Hyperactivity at being spoiled over the weekend.

The Right Conservative are more like your Parents, doting, but tempering the amount of attention, candy and fast food trips, with visits to Toys R Us, best reserved for birthdays, Christmas and special occasions.

The Conservative Parents are the full time disciplinarians and teach you right from wrong. You may not like it, you may wish to run away from home on occasion if you get grounded, you may tell Mom and Dad I hate you!, but in the end you know your parents are right once you get a taste of the real world when you are on your own and raise your own kids in your household.

Parents versus Aunts and Uncles have to deal with you full time, while the infrequent and kind hearted Aunts and Uncles in your lives are in and out, without a thought until the next anticipated visit.

Liberal promises to the downtrodden and always easy vote getters, Liberals much like the wind promise whatever is cliche or in vogue if they think it will get them elected.

Celebs, especially the Lucky Rich ones, of course will vote liberal, they can afford to behind their Gated Community, as the major populace dream of being like them.

If Celebs were sincere and really. really serious about Liberalism, one would think the Celebs would take in the homeless, donate 90 percent of their multi million dollar salaries to the less fortunate.

But we all know that aint ever going to happen. Liberals love money, and rarely walk the talk, especially when they all profess to help the environment, as long as someone else pays for it.

BC Liberals Carbon Tax is a case, where British Columbian’s all professed to the government to do something about the environment, The government listened and imposed the Hated Carbon Tax! British Columbian’s went into an uproar over having their taxes raised to pay for it!

The Liberal Government, I am sure must have said WTF? How are we going to do something about the Environment without the people of British Columbia to pay for it? British Columbian’s I guess did not think that one through, if you want something, someone, mainly you have to pay for it!

British Columbia’s Liberal voters want to house all the homeless, free methadone injections, $19.00 dollar an hour minimum wages, build affordable housing for everyone.

Now I ask you, as a Fiscal Conservative, who pray tell is going to pay for all this? .. You! that’s who! Now if you take exception to paying a few cents a litre of gas for the Hated Carbon Tax, just imagine the Pie in the Sky Dreamy, Dreams Taxes you will be paying for all of the above.

As I said at the beginning of this Op/Ed piece, Aunts and Uncles who drop in and out of our lives with promises of good times, are rarely around after, when they leave the mess for your Conservative parents to put back into perspective for you.

In ending,your Conservative parents raised you one would hope to know that life is not fair, if you want something bad enough, you got to work for it, and work hard.

Life is not all living in your parents basement well into your thirties, with Mommy doing your laundry and providing you three square meals a day, yet many Liberals spoiled by their many past aunts and uncles feel their overwhelmed parents who raised them,owe them a living and a free ride.

Promises made by the Liberals may feel like a Free Payday Loan, but surely you should know the interest will kill you when it comes due.

Life is a fine balancing act, we still need Aunts and Uncles, Just remember it’s your parents who threw you the ball, it’s up to you to catch it.

How right-leaning leaders outplay the opposition

Updated Sat. Oct. 11 2008 7:12 AM ET News Staff

While there are major differences between the parallel election campaigns in Canada and the U.S., there are also remarkable similarities.

Chief among them, according to one expert, is the fact the liberal candidates in both cases should be far out in front — but they’re not.

Compas Research President Conrad Winn said Barack Obama and the Democrats have a rapidly growing membership and a superior brand to John McCain and the Republicans, with Hollywood endorsements and a slick, almost pop culture-style marketing campaign that has propelled Obama to virtual rock-star status.

As a result, they should be able to capitalize on Americans’ dissatisfaction with U.S. President George Bush and anger over the crumbling economy.

And in Canada, voters have historically seen the Liberals as strong stewards of the economy and defenders of the environment — better than the Tories at virtually everything except fighting crime, Winn said.

But in the U.S., Obama is fighting to hold onto a slim lead while nervously looking over his shoulder, and in Canada the only question is how far ahead of the Liberals the Conservatives will be when the polls close, Winn said.

“The key reason is that Harper in Canada and McCain in the states are more astute than their opponents,” he told CTV’s Canada AM.

The conservative leaders have simply outplayed their opposition, Winn said. Key mistakes on the liberal side, in both cases, have also hindered the campaigns of Dion and Obama.

Dion’s largest blunder was the decision to run an election campaign largely centred on the Green Shift carbon tax plan, Winn said.

“Politicians in democracies never win over taxes. You can’t get people to vote for you by promising a tax, it doesn’t matter how you colour it,” he said.

And while Canadians care about the environment, few want a government that is focused solely on the issue.

Obama, by contrast, must not have expected to win his party’s presidential nomination, or he would have done things differently, Winn said.

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How Right-Leaning Leaders "Outplay" the Opposition! How Right-Leaning Leaders "Outplay" the Opposition!

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