Illinois Gov. Blagojevich: “To my dying breath, I am innocent”


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Update 3:12 Pm ET:  With an Approval rating of just 4 percent, Governor Blagojevivh related to reports that he is innocent and will be vindicated.  He related that he is not guilty of any crime.  He said, “I am dieing to tell you how innocent I am”  and “I have the truth on my side”  He asked the people of his state to consider him innocent until after a hearing of his case.   Until my dying breath, “I am innocent”.

This all comes after he was accused of Corruption for trying to sell the Senate seat vacated by President Election Obama.

First Report- Politisite has just learned that accused Governor Blagojvich will have a news conference at 3 pm ET,  10 GMT.  He will speak to Federal Corruption Charges and that he is the only person with the constitutional right to Seat the Senator position vacated by President Elect Obama.

Blagojevich not expected to resign or take questions following his statement: (Source: AP)

Update:  The 3PM Conference has been delayed

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, accused of trying to sell the vacant Senate seat of U.S. president-elect Barack Obama, will break his silence on Friday to publicly address federal corruption charges leveled against him.

Blagojevich is set to make a statement to the media from his downtown Chicago office building around 3 p.m. It is unclear how much detail he will go into about the scandal.

On Wednesday, Blagojevich, who is charged with conspiracy and solicitation to commit bribery and has ignored calls for his resignation, said he couldn’t wait to “begin to tell my side

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1 Comment

  1. i’m hoping that Blagojevich will inspire Congress to finally grow a pair and uphold the American legal system (by putting this guy away for a long time)

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