In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

Michael Newdow, atheist, rabble rouser and now certified ” Whackjob Extraordinare” maybe shot down in flames in previous attempts to get “In God We Trust” removed from US Currency.

It seems “Rabble Rouser” and part time “Navel Gazer” Mr. Newdow has been making it his mission in life to tie up the Justice’s Time and your tax dollars in his Unholy Quest to remove the reference to God on everything, perhaps even the Church of God, who knows, but judging by a recent MSNBC poll, it looks like Mr. NewDow can add “BIG LOSER” to his list of unaccomplishments.

One can wonder what evangelical evangelists are gleefully thinking of this news, as they count their wads of followers cash as they roll naked on their beds, saying praise Jaysus and the American Peoples Money. Daddy needs a New Bentley.

No word on what Satan thinks of all this, but rest assured when God provides Mr. NewDow that basement suite in Hades, the ultimate betrayal to Satan who will be screaming to God is, “Hey Christ” I though you were all forgiving?

Man, Jesus, Why do you always send me the Nutjobs? Hitler isn’t talking to Stalin anymore, Saddam for some reason has a “Bee in his Bonnet” with Idi Amin over Amin eating his followers.

Don’t even get me started with JFK and Belushi, those whacked Duo are doing more lines, than a Columbian expressway. At least send me Carlin, I need the laughs.

And now I got a whole whackload of Taliban suicide bombers down here looking for Virgins, I can’t understand a Gawddamn word they are saying, something along the lines of flalaffel, paradise, me so horny or some crap.

And who is this Allah dude? If he is up there, send him down here, I have a bone to pick with that guy,and so do a bunch of these horny suicide bombers!

You know Jesus, you’re really making it hell down here for me, and that is not part of our deal, so when Newdows time comes send him in Limbo, I hear Ron Hubbard needs the company!

MSNBC have a related story by Associated Press and a link for all of you to vote whether to keep God on US Currency, or Get that Really nice warm Basement Suite when you meet your new maker and landlord.

In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency In God We Trust, wins a majority in Polls to stay on US Currency

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