In Government We Trust? Not so much

Could Washington be any less popular? Not really, according to recent polling. Public approval for Congress and the political parties are at historic lows, while President Obama’s approval rating has been in decline for the past nine months.
A New York Times-CBS News survey released last night reported a 15 percent approval rating for Congress. “Most Americans are now dissatisfied or even angry with government – and much of that frustration is directed at Congress,” the poll’s press release stated. “Levels of distrust and cynicism about government are at or near 15-year highs.”
In Gallup‘s polling, congressional approval is down to 18 percent — a point reached just twice in the past 36 years. The all-time low, 14 percent, came less than two years ago. The demographics most responsible for the decline in approval have been liberals and Democrats — the party in control of Washington.
The Washington Post-ABC News poll out this week found 26 percent approving of Congress, which — other than a mid-2008 dip — was the lowest it’s been since 1994, when Democrats lost the majority.
Read the rest at  RealClearPolitics – Politics Nation – Trust In Government at Historic Low.