Indiana Poll: Obama Gains, Clinton, Obama Tied

Indiana Poll: Obama Gains, Clinton, Obama Tied

Senator Barack Obama has come back to tie with Senator Clinton in Indiana.  Most Pundits had Clinton as a Clear winner in the state over the last several months.  Obama is 5 points above the marggin of error in most polls in North Carolina.  I know you have heard it before, this could be Clintions death blow.  But according to  NPR’s Ken Rudin,  “Hillary Clinton is Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction. She’s going to keep coming back, and they’re not going to stop her.”

Eek eek eek!

See my complete Coverge, Exit Polls, Breaking News, and Real Time Eelections Results on the Indiana and North Carolina Primaries on the Campaign Trail on Monday & Tuesday.  Look for the sought after Politisite Political Projections on North Carolina and Indiania Monday evening.

Albert N. Milliron, Politisite

Zogby Poll: Obama Holds Big Lead Over Clinton in NC; Pair tied in Indiana

UTICA, New York—Five days before the important Democratic presidential primaries in North Carolina and Indiana, Barack Obama of Illinois enjoys a substantial lead in one state and remains tied with Hillary Clinton of New York in the other, a new Zogby daily tracking poll shows.

Obama leads by a 50% to 34% margin over Clinton in North Carolina, while the two are tied at 42% support each in Indiana.

The telephone surveys, conducted over two days, began on April 30 and were completed May 1. They comprise the first of Zogby’s daily tracking surveys that will continue until Tuesday. In North Carolina, 668 likely Democratic primary election voters were polled. The survey carries a margin of error of +/- 3.9 percentage points. In Indiana, 680 likely voting Democratic primary voters were surveyed. That poll carries a margin of error of +/- 3.8 percentage points.

The telephone surveys were conducted using live operators working out of Zogby’s call center in Upstate New York.

In North Carolina, Obama dominates all age groups with one exception—those age 70 and older, where the two are essentially tied.

Source: via politisite

Senator Barack Obama, Myrtle Beach, SC Media Credit Iron Mill Interactiive Media, inc

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