Iran training killers: U.S.


Barry Artiste. Now Public Contributor

In all liklihood it’s possible certain Iranian factions, out of control of Iranian Government and it’s peoples may have some who are training Iraqi Shiites to be assassins.

Perhaps a title change should state Factions within Iran are training Assassins, as the US Intelligence community have been wrong before on other world intelligence matters.

Not really all their fault, when those trusted to provide intelligence in the middle east, are by and large native middle easterners who may have their own Chicken Little “The Sky is Falling” theories and have their own agendas to slant the truth. 

The Iranian President if in fact was behind it, he is not one to pull punches and would most likely admit it to the world and media, as he has said far worse, certainly  a media release stating they are training a ragtag group of Iraqi’s as Iranian trained Assassins.

You just know Bush and his Spinmiesters are trying to find a way to approach this in a way, so as not to sound hypocritical, when Ms. Condaleeza Rice’s outrageous and hilarious comments yesterday on Russia Invading Georgia, made the comedy circuit.

Ms. Rice accusing Russia of historically always invading a sovereign countries and toppling governments since the 1960’s must end.

Ms. Rice one can only wonder must have has a Brain Fart in misremembering the US invasion, of Cuba, Vietnam, Grenada etc ending with Iraq and Afghanistan, though the last two were apparently invites.

The US “Invasions and Toppling” of certain countries like Iraq and Afghanistan can certainly be warranted when it’s own people are being slaughtered by religious factions, but Ms. Rice certainly should have rephrased her diplomatic words when accusing Russia, who in all likelihood were never invited to Georgia by the majority of the populace.

Regardless, how the US will try and spin this into a positive to put Iran in a bad light as a terrorist, nuclear nation, the US will have to figure out how not to be made comedic fodder to standup comedians everywhere.

Rest assured News Comedian John Stewart will wait out this new media round by the US Government before his next bite of his Breakfast Bagel, as yesterday’s ludicrous comments by Ms. Condeleeza Rice, must have had John Stewart Blow his Mouthful of Breakfast Bagel clear across the room.

Upon hearing Ms. Rice’s comments, John Stewart must have run into his livingroom looking for Santa, as Comedic Gold like this from Ms. Rice’s certainly must have seemed to be a Christmas Gift for the John Stewart and his Daily show.

August 16, 2008

Iran training killers: U.S.


WASHINGTON — Iraqi Shiite assassination teams are being trained in at least four locations in Iran by Tehran’s elite Quds force and Lebanese Hezbollah and are planning to return to Iraq in the next few months to kill specific Iraqi officials as well as U.S. and Iraqi troops, according to intelligence gleaned from captured militia fighters and other sources in Iraq.

A senior U.S. military intelligence officer in Baghdad described the information Thursday in an interview with The Associated Press.

He spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence.

On Wednesday the officer provided Iraq’s national security adviser with several lists of the assassination teams’ expected targets.

Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S. Iran training killers: U.S.

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