ISLAM: Aspects of Islamic Laws for a Conservative Western Society


Barry Artiste, Now Public Contributor

Saudi Arabia strict interpretation of Islam, can be brutal by some, people convicted of murder, drug trafficking, rape and armed robbery can be put to the sword, certainly show when applied, religion can have it’s place when Western Laws put in place and meant to protect the innocent victim clearly do not, never have and never will, with endless appeals by lawyers whose bread and butter is to get those accused a lesser sentence.

Some feel perhaps a melding of the two, taking the good, and leaving the lesser of two evils by the wayside.  Leaving out the whackjob portions of Jihads, Suicide Bombings of Innocents, Gay rights, freedom of expression and the right to assemble etc.  Just to borrow a few laws to conform to our modern society, and other which are meant to protect the innocent. Because let’s face it our Laws today, rarely protect the rights of the innocent. Islam on the other hand would take out the very worst society has to offer. So if one were found guilty by a Western court of law,  then so be it. 

Our Bible has these same laws, yet our society choose freedom and separation of church and state, thus lawlessness runs rampant. A tradeoff some think is time for change, including me when DNA is certainly a foolproof method of determining guilt in many cases.

Certainly if properly applied and not misused, only those whose life of rape, armed robbery, murder, drug dealing, child molesters need to fear it, for the law abiding, we should be able to go about our daily life without fear.

August 21, 2008

Saudi Arabia beheads heroin smugglers


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – The Saudi Interior Ministry says two Pakistani nationals convicted of smuggling heroin into the country have been executed in the eastern city of Dammam.

A ministry statement carried Thursday by the official Saudi Press Agency says one of the men brought the drug into the country and the other received it.

It did not say when.

Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam under which people convicted of murder, drug trafficking, rape and armed robbery can be executed, usually by sword.

ISLAM: Aspects of Islamic Laws for a Conservative Western Society ISLAM: Aspects of Islamic Laws for a Conservative Western Society ISLAM: Aspects of Islamic Laws for a Conservative Western Society ISLAM: Aspects of Islamic Laws for a Conservative Western Society ISLAM: Aspects of Islamic Laws for a Conservative Western Society

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