Israeli troops gun down Palestinian sheep farmer

Barry Artiste Op/Ed An elderly Palestinian Farmer protecting his flock of sheep was gunned down in a nightime raid by Israeli Forces, certainly Israel needs to get their friggin act together when gunning down 70 year old sheep farmers in their quest to kill insurgents. With modern technology today including night vision goggles, there is no excuse. I am sure Israeli forces should be able to tell the difference between Sheep and Militants, otherwise someone should take away their guns and give them paper Fast food hats. Israeli troops kill Palestinian farmer By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NABLUS, West Bank – Palestinians say Israeli troops have killed a 70-year-old farmer in a nighttime raid in the West Bank. The Israeli military says the man was armed with a shotgun and opened fire at the soldiers before he was killed. Taher Abahreh says his father was guarding his livestock outside the town of Yamoun early Wednesday when he was shot. He says troops were unsuccessfully trying to treat Muhammad Abahreh when he arrived about an hour after neighbors heard gunfire.

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Israeli troops gun down Palestinian sheep farmer

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