John McCain ‘angry’ over Afghanistan delay

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Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Thursday that he is “angry” and “disappointed” with President Barack Obama for delaying his decision on increasing troop levels in Afghanistan.

“The fact is we already have men and women over there, and the longer we delay in sending them the needed resources they need the greater danger they are in,” McCain said during an interview on Fox News’ Fox & Friends program. “That’s just a fundamental fact of warfare and so I’m past being a bit angry.”

“I’m disappointed that we haven’t made the decision,” he said.

Obama is currently weighing whether to adopt Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s recommendation of adding 40,000 troops to the conflict in Afghanistan, and has been accused of “dithering” over the decision by former Vice President Dick Cheney and other Republicans.

McCain said Thursday that he hopes the president “will make the right decision soon” and stressed that “half measures won’t work.”

“The fact is that every day you delay will be another day before they get there,” he said. “I just hope the president will make the right decision soon. I intend to support him when he does.”

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