Left-Wing Bloggers Wrong on CNN / YouTube RPOF Republican Debate

CNN, YouTube, and the Republican Party of Florida had scheduled the Republican debate in St. Petersburg, Florida in September, Due to scheduling conflicts, only three of the candidates could make that date. Initially there were comments from Governor Mitt Romney and Bay Buchanan about having to deal with silly questions from an audience that would submit questions more for entertainment value then any real issue focus.

Left-wing bloggers began a tirade about how Republicans are afraid to face the young public at large. They made assumptions based on Mitts statements and thought that the entire field of Republicans thought the same way. Remember all Republicans, according to the left are right-wing in lock step with every neo-cons ideology. They further state that Republicans are all hidden in the buckle of the bible belt and cause us to be Christian Right extremists. So from the lefts perspective, Republicans are just clones. Last time I checked, Republicans were not advocates of cloning humans I know our wives are all from Stepford and we all have talking points in our front pocket protectors directly from the Republican National Committee. So if a candidate and a conservative Commentator makes a comment about the debate, we all think the same way.

May I remind the Left-wing that the Republicans have debated on every major network including the far left CNBC debate. Democrat party candidate refuse to appear on Fox News or any News Corp entity. Now who are the cowards. The Democrats are afraid of little old Fox News, the only conservative news source that actually has one left and one right commentator on the issues. I know this is something new to the Liberal media as conservatives have had to deal with two or three screaming liberals to one conservative for years. What exactly are you liberals afraid of…. the Truth? That liberals are doing their best to covert faith based services for social programs and make them all state run. Politisite believes that Liberals agenda is to convert faith in God to dependence in a liberal controled Government. So the bottom line is, that all this blogging about the cowardly republicans is just projection. Liberals, first remove the log from your own eyes, then you may be able to see clearly enough to remove the specs from the conservatives.

The Left is wrong to make assumptions based on one or two candidates. Scheduling was an issue. Iron Mill News Service and Politisite.com reporters contacted the Republican Party of Florida and the spokeswoman stated, ” we are excited about the debates and feel it would be a great opportunity for the candidates to be in St. Petersburg at a later date, therefore, we are working with CNN, YouTube, and the individual campaigns to make this event happen at a later date”. Our reporters further contacted Google and were referred from their Public Relations Firm to CNN in Washington. The Media Relations Director and Chief Political Officer at CNN stated essentially the same thing, ” Based on the candidates scheduling conflicts we are working we each campaign, the Republican Party of Florida, and YouTube to find an appropriate date for the debate in Florida.

All of these quotes were obtained two weeks after the Debate in Charleston. Some of the problems with bloggers who have recently become involved in the political process is that they read other blogs and make assumptions and draw conclusions based upon those blogs without doing the basic journalistic work by getting quotes from the actual sources. If bloggers continue with this type of poor journalistic skills they may find themselves no being invited to the events they so desire to be a part.

The debate has been rescheduled to November, 28, 2007.

CNN / YouTube and the Republican Party of Florida Jointly sent out this press release.

CNN / YouTube today announced that they will hold their Republican primary debate on Wednesday, Nov. 28. Like the Democratic CNN/YouTube debate, this live two-hour forum will feature video questions submitted to YouTube that will be broadcast and answered by the candidates on CNN. CNN’s Anderson Cooper will moderate.
This debate will be held at the Mahaffey Theatre in St. Petersburg. Online users are currently able to submit their questions at www.youtube.com/debates.
CNN Worldwide, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., a Time Warner Company, is the most trusted source for news and information. Its reach extends to nine cable and satellite television networks; one private place-based network; two radio networks; wireless devices around the world; CNN Digital Network, the No. 1 network of news Web sites in the United States; CNN Newsource, the world’s most extensively syndicated news service; and strategic international partnerships within both television and the digital media.
YouTube is the world’s largest online video community allowing millions of people to discover, watch and share originally created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small. YouTube is based in San Bruno, Calif., and is a subsidiary of Google Inc.

So there you have it. Left-wingers, if you blog it, you own it.