Life after Google: What’s the next hot search engine?

Barry Artiste Op/Ed
Though this story is more of a Jordan thing, it was too good to pass up. As for me, my vast knowledge in computer abilities extend to on/off, cut and paste.

Life after Google: What’s the next hot search engine? Updated Sun. Mar. 29 2009 7:23 AM ET Taylor Buley, BURLINGAME, Calif. — There is life after Google — though the increasing number of search alternatives popping up around the U.S. are careful not to take the search giant head-on.

With three-quarters of all search traffic, Google might seem unassailable. But potential competitors are busy developing new ways of finding information and hunting down the investors they need to support them. Last year, more than 50 new search companies raised $330 million in venture financing, according to MoneyTree.


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