Louisiana Democrat Party uses OKeefe, Landrieu Matter as fund raiser

Rather than being called journalists, O’Keefe and others are being called Republican political operatives in a recent fund raising letter by the Louisiana Democrat Party. from Stephen Sabludowsky of BayouBuzz:

By now I’m sure you have heard that four Republican political operatives were arrested earlier this week attempting to tamper with the phone system in Senator Mary Landrieu’s New Orleans’ office.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that the Republicans have to resort to breaking the law to push their agenda of doing the bidding for special interests, standing up for Wall Street fat cats and abandoning the middle class. But I have to tell you – I am amazed that they would sink this low.
The only way to combat these Republican dirty tricks is with constant viligance and by aggressively exposing their lies and criminal behavior. That’s why we need your help.
Please contribute $25, $50, or $150 right now to help the Louisiana Democratic Party fight these Republican dirty tricks.
Already, the supporters of these four Republican political operatives are trying to explain away their actions. The truth is simple: these four grown men broke the law to further their twisted political agenda.
Read the rest of the story at OKeefe, Landrieu Matter Becoming Louisiana Party War Over Vitter.