Louisiana Real Time Election Results Feb 9. 2008

Louisiana Near Realtime Elections Results

Final Barak Obama wins by a 21% point Margin he gets 23 Delegates Clinton gets 15

Huckabee Wins with a 2% point Margin.  He will not receive any delegate because LA require a clear majority of 50% and one vote.  All delegates will go to the convention as uncommited. You may view the results in reverse chronilogical order. 

11:44 pm – 99% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 57% +21% Margin
Clinton 36%

Republicans – 20 Delegates – These delegates will go to the convention as Uncommited

X Huckabee 44% +2 % Margin
McCain 42%
Romney 6%
Paul  5% 

11:39 pm – 90% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 56%
Clinton 37%

Republicans – 20 Delegates – These delegates will go to the convention as Uncommited

X Huckabee 44%
McCain 42%
Romney 6%
Paul  5%


11:20 pm – 82% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 55%
Clinton 38%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

X Huckabee 45%
McCain 41%
Romney 6%
Paul  5%

10:47 pm – 68% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 53%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 47%
McCain 39%
Romney 6%
Paul  5%

10:42 pm – 65% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 53%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 47%
McCain 39%
Romney 6%
Paul  5%

10:32 pm – 57% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 53%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 48%
McCain 39%
Romney 6%
Paul  5%

10:24 pm – 51% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 53%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 48%
McCain 39%
Romney 6%
Paul  5%

 Exit Polls Explain LA Primaries

Blacks helped Barack Obama against Hillary Rodham Clinton in Louisiana’s racially polarized Democratic primary Saturday, while John McCain made little headway among the most conservative, highly religious voters as he battled Mike Huckabee in their first head-to-head Republican matchup, exit polls found.

Blacks were nearly half the Democratic primary electorate and Obama racked up one of his largest margins yet among them. He won nearly nine in 10 blacks, male and female, according to the exit polls for The Associated Press and television networks.

Most other Democratic voters were white and Clinton won them by about 40 points, a margin she has met or exceeded only in Alabama, Tennessee and her former home state of Arkansas among 19 Democratic primaries surveyed this year.

Continuing a pattern seen in other Southern states, Obama won only three in 10 white men and did no better among white women. Outside the South, Obama has tended to win far more votes from white men than white women, who have been one of Clinton’s strongest groups in nearly every primary so far.

Despite the voting patterns, three in four Democratic primary-goers said race wasn’t a factor in their vote and about as many said that about the candidates’ sex.

About one in 10 white Clinton voters and roughly as many black Obama voters did say race was the single most important factor in their vote. And female Clinton voters were a little more likely than others to say gender was one of several important factors.

Source: tdn.com via politisite


 10:11 pm – 36% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 54%
Clinton 38%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 48%
McCain 38%
Romney 7%
Paul  5%

10:09 pm – 33% Reporting – In order for Republicans to get delegates awarded tonight one of the candidates must get 50% and one vote

Democrats – 56 Delegates

X Obama 53%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 48%
McCain 38%
Romney 7%
Paul  5% 

Fox projects Obama wons LA 

10:07 pm – 31% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Obama 53%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 48%
McCain 38%
Romney 7%
Paul  5%

10:02 pm – 25% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Obama 52%
Clinton 39%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 47%
McCain 38%
Romney 8%
Paul  5%


 10:00 pm – 23% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Note: Reversal Obama took Over Clinton

Obama 53%
Clinton 38%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 47%
McCain 38%
Romney 8%
Paul  5%


9:55 pm – 19% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Obama 53%
Clinton 37%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 46%
McCain 37%
Romney 9%
Paul  5%

9:55 pm – 17% Reporting – Numbers are stabilizing

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Note: Reversal Obama took Over Clinton

Obama 54%
Clinton 37%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 46%
McCain 38%
Romney 9%
Paul  4%


9:54 pm – 14% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Note: Huckabee and Obama are pulling away from the rest

Obama 54%
Clinton 37%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 46%
McCain 37%
Romney 9%
Paul  5%

 9:49 pm – 7% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Note: Reversal Obama took Over Clinton  Huckabee took over McCain

Obama 54%
Clinton 35%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

Huckabee 41%
McCain 38%
Romney 12%
Paul  5%

9:45 pm – 4% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Note: Obama pulling away, Huckabee moves closer to McCain.  These are some real numbers now.  There is only 160 votes between Huckabee and McCain.  There is nearly 1500 votes seperating Obma / Clinton

Obama 51%
Clinton 36%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

McCain 39%
Huckabee 36%
Romney 15%
Paul  5%

9:37 pm – 2% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Note: Reversal Obama took Over Clinton

Obama 44%
Clinton 40%
Edwards 11%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

McCain 39%
Huckabee 28%
Romney 23%
Paul  5%

9:35 pm – 2% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Clinton 41%
Obama 40%
Edwards 14%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

McCain 39%
Huckabee 28%
Romney 23%
Paul  5%

9:32pm – 200 votes seperate Clinton / Obama  400 Votes seperate McCain / Huckabee

9:30 pm – 2% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Clinton 41%
Obama 38%
Edwards 14%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

McCain 41%
Huckabee 28%
Romney 22%
Paul  4%

9:29 pm – 2% Reporting

Democrats – 56 Delegates

Clinton 41%
Obama 38%
Edwards 14%

Republicans – 20 Delegates

McCain 42%
Huckabee 25%
Romney 24%
Paul  4% 

9:22 pm – 0% Reporting


Clinton 41%, Obama 38%, Edwards 14%


McCain 42%, Huckabee 26%, Romney 23%, Paul  4% 

9:15 pm – 0% Reporting

Note:  The first wave of votes are the absentee Voting.  Expect higher numbers from Edwards and Romney in the first 3% of Voting

Clinton 42%
Obama 37%
Edwards 15%


McCain 42%
Romney 26%
Huckabee 24%
Paul  4%

HUCKA-BOOM Wins!! Obama launches "negative" attack on Clinton

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