Man Stabbed and Decapitated Seatmate on Greyhound Bus in Canada

A passenger on a Greyhound bus traveling through Manitoba, Canada, is accused of repeatedly stabbing his seatmate before decapitating the man, CBC News reported.

On Wednesday evening, Canadian police detained a man suspected of the murder, but would not comment on the case.

According to CBC News, the attacker was seated next to his victim, who was sleeping with headphones on, when he began stabbing him repeatedly.

When the victim began screaming, the bus pulled over and more than 30 passengers fled. The driver, along with a passenger and a trucker who had stopped at the scene then boarded the bus in an attempt to help the victim, the CBC reported.

“When we came back on the bus, it was visible at the end of the bus he was cutting the guy’s head off and pretty much gutting him up,” passenger Garnet Caton told the CBC.

The attacker reportedly lunged at the three men, who managed to trap him inside the bus until authorities arrived.

According to the CBC, passengers were traumatized by the event and many required counseling after witnessing the brutal attack.


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  1. ON OTHER SITES, PEOPLE ARE SAYING THAT IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE TO KEEP A MURDERER IN JAIL THAN TO EXECUTE HIM. I don’t believe in execution; we don’t have the right to take someone else’s life. But stories like this really change my mind. This man doesn’t deserve to be executed by lethal injection. That’s too humane. I think that murderers should be killed the way they killed their victims. On TV! Put them in the cell, give them three meals a day, couple of phonecalls a week, internet, gym? Are you kidding! Think of this young man’s family.

  2. Do you want off? It just makes you want to say, “Stop this world, I want off.” It is so angering, so shocking, that it is both deafening and silencing at the same time. How can anyone believe that man is basically “good”, when hearing news like this?

    Debra J.M. Smith
    Aug. 04, 2008

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