Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths


Barry Artiste.

Well certainly all the above would apply if say, a herd of masturbating cattle, Hence the Term “Beef Stroken-off” translated to Beef Stroganoff.

In this recent Listeria Hysteria in Canada, Soy is beginning to look as a better alternative as it is now rearing it’s ugly head on the BBQ circuit.

Family Guy’s “Mort Goldman” once proclaimed the benefits and non benefits of having Pine Cones shoved up his Ass. Believe it or not there are Holistics who claim it is a cancer stopper, Now how weird is that?

As for me, well I’ll take my chances with a hear of masturbating cattle from the local butcher. Myths be damned. If I wanted to die healthy anyway, I wouldn’t smoke cigars.

Soy? Sorry… Tofu burgers are healthier than beef, and 8 other common health “facts” that are false

Some myths are easy to spot. Like the one about Atum, the Egyptian deity who took his divine member in hand and, after some firmament-shaking masturbation, caused life to, literally, come into existence.

Other myths, particularly those based on actual science rather than pyramid power, are a bit more difficult to identify.

And that can be dangerous when they’re the very things we’re counting on to keep us healthy.

Classic example: the pregame stretch. It can’t prevent a pulled hamstring any more than praying to your jockstrap can.

Yet, until a few years ago, guys who weren’t in the know stretched and, with blind faith in fiction, ran into an injury.

Well, we’re here to show you the light — to turn your world upside down and then, like Copernicus, put a different spin on it.

All told, we debunk nine modern health myths and then show how the truth can, if not set you free, at least keep you off life’s sidelines.

Myth: A high-fiber diet will prevent colon cancer Not even if you eat a pine tree, cones and all. Research published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute showed that no matter how much fiber study subjects ate — from 10 grams a day to 27 — it did nothing to reduce their risk of recurrence of precancerous polyps.

“The fiber hypothesis dates from an old epidemiological study,” says James E. Allison, M.D., a professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco.

“It was presumed that the shorter intestinal transit time accompanying a high-fiber diet decreased a person’s exposure to potential carcinogens.” Reality check: Despite the myth, keep eating a high-fiber diet (it can help lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes), but don’t count on it to cancer-proof your colon.

For that, you need folic acid. Studies have shown that this B vitamin significantly lowers a man’s risk of colon cancer, with research from Louisiana State University linking it to a 60 percent reduction.

If your multivitamin (or cereal) doesn’t contain at least 400 micrograms of folic acid, buy one that does.

Myth: A soy burger is healthier than a beef burger Here’s the problem: Soy, in all its forms, contains phytoestrogens — that is, plant estrogens.

And while having some of the female hormone in our bodies is okay, and even normal, having high amounts of the plant version isn’t. In fact, Australian researchers found that men who consumed a soy-rich diet had significantly lower testosterone levels than beef eaters.

And as for red meat’s artery-clogging reputation, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed that eating lean beef can help to lower LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL levels.

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Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths Masturbation--Soy-Beef-: Myths Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths Masturbation-Pine Cones-Soy-Beef-Colon-Cancer: Myths

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