McCain & Bush Behind Closed Doors

The DNC wants everyone to beleive the tal;king points that you will here over an over again, McCain is nothing more than a Bush 3rd term.  Well the DNC has got it quite wrong as McCain has continually differed from Bush on Many issues.  Here is the latest talking points issues by the DNC. They want you to think that George Bush and john McCain are meeting in secret raising money for the McCain Campaign.  If it was so secret, then why does the DNC and most of the media know all about it.  Last night, George Bush landed with Air Force One in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  An event that was video tapped and coverered on most national outlets.  What really is happening here is that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama is more newsworthly as Obama talks about a great uncle who stayed in his home for 6 months following his return from Liberating Auswitch another blunder like Obama saying he had been to 57 states with one to go and Hillary Clinton talking about how many candidates hadn’t wrapted up their campaigns until June including the assassination of RFK.  If you were a reporter, what would be in your news cycle?


Last night, John McCain and George Bush got together behind closed doors in Phoenix. They’re hoping to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for the Republican Party without any scrutiny.

This is the same John McCain who is trying to convince the American people he’s “Mr. Reformer” when it comes to campaign financing. But when it comes to raising millions for his campaign, he’s falling all over himself to have George Bush as his best friend


John McCain and the Republican National Committee are desperately working to get as much in the bank as they can before we have a nominee. They see the writing on the wall — they know time is running out.

John McCain knows he needs George Bush for the money, and George Bush needs John McCain for his legacy. The McCain campaign had the fundraiser closed to the press to avoid any incriminating photos, but we know what’s going on.

Help us send a message to John McCain telling him we’re not fooled. He can run, but we’re not going to let him hide:

Your support means we can strengthen our field efforts in every state and ensures we have the organization in place for our nominee from day one.

A contribution from you today will show John McCain he’s on borrowed time:

With your help, we can make sure our party is in the best shape ever to compete with the Republicans across the country.

Thanks for your support.

Tom McMahon

Source: via politisite

McCain & Bush Behind Closed Doors

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