McCain Floats Petraeus as possible VP

McCain is expected to name his VP one week from today.  Speculation has moved outside of the Beltway as General Petraeus name is lighting up the blogs.  Sentator McCain had to write a letter of appology for using the General in a campaign shoot as the Military says it ust stay outside of the relm of the political.

Senator John McCain has narrowed his list of potential running mates to a handful of candidates and appears unlikely to select anyone who supports abortion rights, several advisers close to his campaign said on Thursday.

Former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota are the top candidates as Mr. McCain and his advisers gather over the next several days at Mr. McCain’s cabin near Sedona, they said.

McCain associates recently put forth two other candidates, former Gov. Tom Ridge of Pennsylvania and Senator Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, as possibilities. Both men support abortion rights.

People close to the campaign also floated a wild-card choice, Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq. They said it was not beyond the realm of possibility that Mr. McCain would ask him to join the ticket, although General Petraeus has no experience in elective government and has said repeatedly that he is not interested in the vice presidency.

One adviser characterized General Petraeus, who presided over a recent reduction of violence in Iraq, as more of a wish-list candidate for Mr. McCain, who, like the general, long supported sending additional troops to quell the insurgency. The adviser said the campaign was putting forth his name in part in a bid for attention at a time when Senator Barack Obama’s choice of running mate, which is to be announced in the next few days, was dominating the media.

McCain Floats Petraeus as possible VP

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