McCain vetter defends Palin review


Barry Artiste

Certainly shows when it is a slow news day, or when US Media like so many Vultures have nothing better to do, than to pick at the carcass of a family and their teenage daughter in their quest to best dig the dirt on Alaska’s Governor Sarah Palin and her family.

One can be sure Sarah Palin could take the media slander, but ethically the media should leave her family out of this.

McCain’s pick for VP candidate has been relentlessly dogged by the media looking for any discretions in the Palin family, including relatives and hanger ons for juicy gossip in which to titillate and sell papers or media time, looking for anything in which to put into question any doubts of her abilities as a mother and vice presidential candidate.

The old saying, “those without blame can cast the first stone”, is lost on the “Eager for Ratings” Yellow Journalism Media who frequently use “Trebuchet’s filled with Flaming Boulders” not caring to aim in any particular direction, just firing out in “all directions” hoping to hit anything, much like a suicide bomber, taking out both the value target and any innocents in it’s path. In this case a direct hit, not just on Sarah Palin, but her family as well.  A multiple hit over a wide area destroying everything in it’s path in order to bring down a woman, a party or anyone in the Public eye not to their liking.

Somehow, I do not think this is what “Freedom of the Press” was meant to do. Those who enjoy the “Rights of Freedom of the Press” certainly take it to the nth degree.

This a woman elected Governor by the people of Alaska, when those who slander Palin, slander the people who elected her.

Sarah Palin, a Governor, elected on her own merits, no small feat, many everyday Americans would find difficult if not impossible to follow in her footsteps.

(Photo Inset) Bristol Palin, 17, holds her brother Trig during the campaign rally Friday, Aug. 29, 2008. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia) September 2, 2008

McCain vetter defends Palin review


ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Sarah Palin voluntarily told John McCain’s campaign about her pregnant teenage daughter and her husband’s 2-decade-old DUI arrest during questioning as part of the Republican’s vice presidential search, the lawyer who conducted the background review said.

The Alaska governor also greatly detailed the dismissal of the state’s public safety commissioner that has touched off a legislative investigation, Arthur B. Culvahouse Jr. told The Associated Press in an interview Monday.

Palin underwent a “full and complete” background examination before McCain chose her as his running mate, Culvahouse said.

Asked whether everything that came up as a possible red flag during the review already has been made public, he said: “I think so.

Yah, I think so. Correct.” McCain’s campaign has been trying to tamp down questions about whether the Arizona senator adequately researched his surprise vice presidential selection or whether he chose the first-term governor without fully looking into her background.

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