Michelle Malkin Attacked at DNC (Video)

With people chanting, “Love, peace, justice” in the background  Conservative writer and blogger Michelle Makin is ambushed.  Interesting that these folks believe in free speech but it must mean Their free speech as several conservatives covering the protests and convention who may have a take on the events different then they want to portray are shouted doesn’t and pushed around.  Monday, a small in staure Fix reporter who dilegebntly asked folks for their views was pushed around by security for Ward Churchill and insisted that the reporter grabbed churchill.  Every bit of video evidence shows it was Churchill nad his security team that grabbed and pushed away the reporter. 

So what does it all mean. Consevatives are not allowed a voice outside the DNC.  Interesting to note that no conservative group members have been arrested or have been perpetraiters in attacks.

Several dozen anti-war activists held hands and shouted “Love, Peace and Justice” during a stupid stunt to “levitate” the Denver Mint on Monday, shake out its money and redistribute the wealth.

The group “Recreate ‘68” wanted to circle the Mint on the opening day of the Democratic National Convention in homage to the 1967 protest of the Vietnam War when demonstrators sought to levitate the Pentagon.

I am not making this up people.

I’m happy to report that the Denver Mint is still on it’s foundation and the anti-capitalists failed in their effort to levitate it. The wizard hat and magic wands they brought simply weren’t working. In truth, protesters at the Mint only made it halfway down one block, the quarters that showered the ground were made of plastic, and the group’s leader wore a starry, purple wizard’s hat and red robe.

“Hey, it’s just an old Halloween costume,” Mark Cohen of Recreate ‘68 said afterward.

However, during the so-called “event” a tense moment occurred when conspiracy theorist Alex Jones spotted conservative columnist Michelle Malkin and reportedly started yelling at her. Nearby goons even shouted “Kill Michelle Malkin!

Michelle Malkin Stalked Attacked and Menaced by Alex Jones Alex Jones VS_ Michelle Malkin Part 2 Michelle Malkin and crew orchestrating lies about Alex Jones Alex Jones yells INFOWARS_COM to corrupt an interview

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