Montauk Monster, On the Campaign Trail with Obama!

What Washed up on the beach  Montauk, NY?  Help Solve this Mystery!

NowPublic Readers are speculating like the rest of the county,   moonwolf,  said  it is the “dreaded Photoshopasaurus!” alluding that it is a photoshop stunt, Our favorite UFO investigator, Vinny, who once worked at Area 51 but now lives at secret location near Nottingham. said,  “I have no idea what it is, but I want one!”.  zichi,   wondered, “Could it be a loggerhead sea turtle without its shell?”or ” a deformed horse birth, it must be a Damien Hirst or a nutria or racoon”.  tiha zaman, “Incredible- hmm…but why is there only one picture taken? Logically if that thing is “real”, wouldn’t you take pictures until your fingers cramp? Is it a donkey with a eagle’s head? Lol”,   And so the quest for indentification goes one.  

Montauk Monster’s Remains Stolen, Press Tour Continues

The Montauk Monster is still in the news (and on the Colbert Report), with the East Hampton Star now reporting that the mystery carcass is missing! More disturbing than that and the fact that the nation has been staring at a dead, bloated dog for a week, is the fact that the two locals holding the remains were planning to profit from the dead body. The duo were planning on reducing it to bones, creating some sort of artistic piece out of it, and watching the money roll in.

“Someone came and took the carcass. Now I have to hunt for my damn creature,” said Eric Olsen, a Montauk real estate agent and surfer who retrieved the rotting animal from the beach.

“I took the creature off the beach at 11:30 in a bag, and put it in the back of my car. I brought it to Noel Arikian’s, and we were going to reduce it to bones,” a disappointed Mr. Olsen said on Sunday.

According to the plan, the “monster’s” bones were to be given a lucrative artistic touch by Rafael Mazzucco, a fashion photographer and artist who has a house in Montauk. Mr. Olsen said the artist had more than one New York City patron interested.

The carcass was decomposing on Arikian’s property, where someone stole it from the woods (*cough* the government *cough*). Clearly, some still aren’t convinced that this is a canine, or some other real life creature. Some theories include that it’s “a mutant from the animal testing facility on Plum Island,” however the Department of Homeland Security run facility has denied it, saying in a statement that it’s probably a dog, and that “it is not associated with the work performed at Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC).” They would say that.

Montauk Monster anti-Semitic?

That’s an absurd question, I know. But the Montauk Monster, though apparently dead, is killing

GeekHeeb and The God Blog have each posted twice during the past week about the alien creature or pit bull or raccoon or whatever it might have been or still be that was found on the shores of Long Island. Adam introduced Monty the monster with this post and followed up on it today with a report that the motive for leaking the photo was money all along. I argued Saturday that the monster was simply a dead dog; yesterday I changed direction, thanks to some solid scientific insight, and shared that it might be a raccoon.

We know little but speculation about the creature. But that hasn’t stopped cable news channels and newspapers and bloggers galore from pontificating about Monty. News searches for “Montauk Monster” are going crazy. Though not on the Google Hot Trends, interest in the monster kicked off-line for about six hours last week when GeekHeeb was flooded with 13,000 hits in an hour or two, and each of the subsequent posts have slowed our website to a crawl at times because the Monty pages are getting so much traffic.

Montauk Monster Mania!

Excitement over the Montauk Monster has reached a fever pitch! He was on CNN. New photos have emerged (that make it clear he’s a he), as well as several people who claim to have the remains. But still, no one has definitively identified the beast. On the Internet and elsewhere, theories abound: Is it a Plum Island experiment gone wrong? An alien? A very fat raccoon, or a poor, poor puppy? Or part of a race of creatures who are slowly but surely taking over East Hampton? Below, your roundup of the latest monster news.

• Three women who claim to have taken the original photo were interviewed by Plum TV. For the record, Alanna Nevitksi,  is the woman who sent the original photo to Gawker. on Tuesday and whom we spoke to the other day, Her friend, the photographer, has still not spoken to the press.

Wolf Blitzer was forced to report on the monster. CNN also dispatched a depressed-looking reporter to Montauk to interview a couple frat boys who claim to have the decomposing corpse

• Most disturbing, Newsday has a less-decomposed picture of the creature that really looks like a dog, specifically a pit bull

Fortunately, they make up for their sick reality check by giving us an alternate theory. According to locals, the Montauk Monster is not a anomaly. It is part of a race of monsters who have been recently cropping up in the area.

Source: via politisite

Wild speculation has been ignited on the internet over a weird looking animal that was photographed on the beach in Montauk. Jenna Hewitt snapped this photo of the thing in front of the Surfside restaurant .

Are Montauk Project or the Army’s Nartick Labs responcible?

See also, Monster of Montauk by kate . Kate’s story ended up top page in Google  and has somewhere around 25,000 hits.  Congrats Kate.

What on Earth Washed Up In Montauk?

  No question about it. The creature found on July 13 on a Montauk beach, only a few miles west of where the government conducted the infamous Montauk Project time-travel experiments on children kidnapped from New York City streets, is definitely from outer space.

    No? How about a turtle without a shell, or a pug given a burial at sea from a passing yacht.

    Ever since Jenna Hewitt, Rachel Goldberg, and Courtney Fruin found the thing in front of the Surfside restaurant, the electronic clones of the creature have invaded computers — by way of Ms. Hewitt’s snapshot — until the Internet itself is threatened.

    “This is an actual monster, some sort of rodent-like creature with a dinosaur beak . . . a government animal-testing facility is close by,” according to the Phantoms and Monsters Web site, which picked up the story from on Tuesday.

    “. . . but unless the government is trying to design horrible Montauk Monsters that will eat I.E.D.s and fart fire at bad Iraqis, we’re not sure why they would create such an unthinkable beast,” a  blogger for the Web site wrote. “Our guess is it’s viral marketing for something.”

    “When plastic surgery goes wrong,” answered SuperConnie.

    “I ate one of those things once. They don’t taste bad,” joked JacquesPaysan.

. Conspiracy theorists have long speculated on the so-called Montauk Project, alleged to be secret government projects for the purpose of developing psychological weapons. The photo has fueled postings that the “beast” is linked to the shuttered tests. Wildlife experts have been quoted on various sites with much less exciting theories of a dead animal like a dog or raccoon.

Source: via politisite

‘Alien’ creature creates monster stir

THE photograhed remains of a mysterious “creature” washed up on a Long Island beach near New York has led to a frenzy of online speculation. Hot on the heels of claims from an ex-NASA astronaut about aliens visiting Earth, news of the find has excited conspiracy theorists around the world. Dubbed the Montauk Monster after the Long Island town where it was found, the creature has prompted speculation it was part of a secret mutant breeding program undertaken by the US Government. The Huffington Post has even given the creature its own blog. Meanwhile,, which helped break the story, has sought to explain the phenomenon as a viral marketing stunt for a new US TV cartoon series.

Source: via politisite

Related Links:

Gawker reports on “monsterwashed ashore – Boing Boing

Gothamist: Is the Montauk Monster All Washed Up?
Washed up in Montauk, NY, “Monster“? Mystery Solved by NowPublic…
Dead Monster Washes Ashore in Montauk

Montauk Monster washed up on shore of Long Island

The animal dubbed the Montauk Monster washed ashore

Dead Monster Washes Ashore – Featured Image on BuzzFeed

Politisite Bottom Line (opinion) – We think we know what it is.  We will save our guess until the end of the day or someone else suggests it. 

The old saw, “a picture is worth a thousand words” does not guarantee they are the right words, as a few new photos are released, giving a better perspective, the Animal looks like a Raccoon or a decomposing Dog.

Update: The wild speculation is over, “BINGO! a Racoon!!!”It appears that NowPublics expert on everything, Zichi,, who is persistent enough to work all day, until he finds out the answer to a question.  Says with photo examples, “Its a Racoon” Zichi was persistent enough to work all day, until he find out the answer to a question.  So the award of NPee of the Day, goes to Zichi (unofficially of course as I have NO power to Crown him NPee of all) it is a Personal thank you to him for working so hard to bring this issue to resolution, as other news services are trying to keep this whole thing going.  We are finished

Montauk Monster, On the Campaign Trail with Obama! Montauk "Monster"? Mystery Solved by NowPublic members, New Photos! Washed up in Montauk, NY,  "Monster"?  Mystery Solved by NowPublic members Monster on Beach The Montauk Monster Montauk Monster New Report Aug 1_ Montauk Monster What Washed up on the beach  Montauk, NY?  Help Solve this Mystery! Montauk Monster What Washed up on the beach  Montauk, NY?  Help Solve this Myster What Washed Up on the beach  Montauk,  NY? Help Solve this Mystery!  photo by  Jenna Hewitt

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