More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice


Barry Artiste.

Certainly not surprising when women always seem to be the favoured target by criminals, women who fear for their safety even in their own home.

A trend I am afraid and of the opinion once again due to a justice system unable or unwilling to put repeat criminals behind bars, which may result in a Wild West Style of Vigilantism by Women who do not wish to be victims any longer.

The Conservative Government as a minority promised on their party platform to toughen laws was stonewalled by a majority Liberal dominated senate which would force judges to mete out serious time for serious crime.

Though Canada has some pretty stringent laws already on the books, many judges interpretation of our existing laws are clouded by their obvious lack of willingness to jail repeat offenders, resulting in many Canadians to feel Justice for victims has been sold out to Criminals.

One wonders how the Justice system and the laws meant to protect us, will be interpreted by Judges when a woman takes out a violent offender who accosts her or her family?

Granted Police are there to protect us, but there are more criminals than police, and an unlimited supply of victims.

Criminals do not work 8 to 4, and do not play by anyones rules or boundaries. Let the Vigilantism Begin, and God help the criminal who stands in her way.

Lady Justice has now balanced the scales of justice in her favour, lets see if the Justice system,, lawyers, Judges, courts and a Canadians tired of being victims agree when the first murder trial hits the media. It does not look pretty for any of us.

More women drawn to guns


The Edmonton Sun

More city women appear to be taking an interest in guns. But the jury’s out on what’s behind the trend. City gun store owner Dianne Harnois said she’s seen a 30% spike in the number of women coming into her shop over the past two years.

And she’s got a theory why. “There’s a lot of women out there who love to hunt,” said Harnois, owner of P& D Enterprises.

She said women come to the store with their boyfriends or husbands who are firearm enthusiasts. Later, they also become interested in purchasing a weapon so they can go hunting or practise shooting with their partner.

A similar trend has been observed in Calgary, with some speculating it’s in response to violent crime in that city. Edmonton criminologist Bill Pitt said he’s not surprised that some Alberta women may be learning to shoot to protect themselves.

“There’s been so many violent crimes that have not been reported and unfortunately women are most of the time the victims of this type of crime,” said Pitt.

He speculated that at least 90% of sexual assaults in Canada against women go unreported.

An increasing number of women are becoming conscious of their vulnerability and refusing to be victimized, he said.

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More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice More Canadian women drawn to guns: Canadian Crime and Justice

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