More Voter Fraud from ACORN, 39 Turned into Authorities

More Voter Fraud from ACORN, 39 Turned into Authorities

By Albert N. Milliron, Editor,, Iron Mill Interactive Media, Inc

ACORN, Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has fallen under allegations of voter fraud in this election cycle as in 2006. The Milwaukee , Wisconsin Election chief has turned in 39 individuals to authorities for violating voter registration laws.

Workers were all paid.  ACORN is funded by Taxpayers

All of the workers targeted for investigation were paid employees of two liberal groups running voter registration drives, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and the Community Voters Project…

The violations are far reaching and include

Seventeen apparently filled out voter applications and then signed the cards themselves. That involved two to four cards in each case.
Twelve submitted cards for individuals who later told ACORN they never filled out an application. That involved one card in each case.
One submitted a card for a dead voter. That was the second such case; a Voters Project worker previously submitted a card for a deceased voter.
One was apparently making up driver’s license numbers for an unknown number of voters.
One submitted about a half-dozen applications for already-registered voters.

Source: via politisite

ACORN works to register low income individuals with the majority being registered as Democrat. (source: OMB Watch )

ACORN Voter Registration Drive Investigated in 17 states

In October, allegations of problems with voter registration cards surfaced in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Colorado. According to the Associated Press, “In Franklin County [Ohio], prosecutors are looking at almost 400 cards the county elections board said included already registered voters or people with the wrong address.” In Philadelphia, about 3,000 cards were rejected because of missing information or invalid addresses.

Source: via politisite

While Democrats continue to accuse Republicans of mass voter fraud, only ACORN has been prosecuted for actual crimes.

Who will be registering voters in Denver during the DNCC?

DENVER, Aug 21, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ — ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) will stage two events at the Democratic National Convention: A non-partisan voter registration mobilization on Sunday and a “Bagels and Ballots” breakfast and conversation on Wednesday.

ACORN is the nation’s largest grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people with over 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in 110 cities across the country.  Since 1970, ACORN has been building community organizations that are committed to social and economic justice, and won victories on thousands of issues of concern to our members, through direct action, negotiation, legislative advocacy and voter participation.  ACORN helps those who have historically been locked out become powerful players in our democratic system.

Source: via politisite


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The Politisite Bottom Line:  Federal Prosecution of election fraud is difficult.  The State Attorney must have evidence that the individual or organization had an intent to skew an election in order for it to be prosecuted.  The standard is so high that voter fraud rarely gets to a court room. If the voter fraud makes it to a court room, the burdon of proof is so high that most cases are aquitted.  When a case is proven under the stringent rules, you can be sure that the evidence was overwhelming. 

More Voter Fraud from ACORN, 39 Turned into Authorities

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