Mounties hunt stolen bull semen

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Boy, some people will resort to steal anything, even without knowing what it is, certainly makes one wonder if it were city folk who scammed this Bull Semen?  Guess it goes without saying,  much like  Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff,  you can take a city boy to the country, but you can’t make him a country boy! I wonder how Ignatieff would fare living in the country amongst Farm Folk?


WINNIPEG — There’s no bull about this theft.

In a bizarre whodunnit, someone stole a tank containing $15,000 worth of bull semen from a rural property west of Winnipeg in March.

Having exhausted all avenues, RCMP are appealing for tips to solve the theft.

“It is a peculiar item to steal,” said Const. Stephen Senuita, a spokesman for Portage la Prairie RCMP. “This is the first instance of this type of property being stolen that I can think of.”

Police said the theft occurred in the rural municipality of North Norfolk on March 9. The victim told police tools and other items were taken, along with the artificial insemination tank.

“There’s nothing to suggest they were looking specifically for (the tank),” Senuita said yesterday.

He said the suspect or suspects may or may not have known what the tank contained.


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