Natasha Richardson’s death saves Ohio girl

Barry Artiste Op/Ed

Perhaps this story will bring some comfort to Natasha’s family, following her demise and the media reports. For if just anyone would have died under the same circumstances skiing, who knows if this child would be the next casualty?

Natasha Richardson’s death saves Ohio girl

Updated Wed. Apr. 1 2009 8:33 AM ET News Staff

The sudden death of actress Natasha Richardson last month may have helped save the life of a seven-year-old Ohio girl.

Two days after Morgan McCracken was hit in the head by a baseball in her family’s Mentor, Ohio, front yard, her parents watched news reports about how Richardson, 45, died following a skiing accident.

When Morgan began complaining of a crippling headache, her parents took her to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with the very same injury that eventually killed Rishardson.

Like the late actress, Morgan didn’t show any symptoms immediately after her injury, her father, Donald McCracken, told Canada AM Wednesday.


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