NC, IN Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News & Commentary from North Carolina & Indiana

Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News & Commentary from North Carolina & Indiana

May 7, 2008 4:42pm-  How close was last nights election? 

2:53 am – Listen to Rush Limbaugh Take credit for Indiana win for Clinton on his show Wed.  Some polls said Crossovers accounted for 10% of the vote.  Most going toward Clinton.  10% of the vote is 120,000 votes.  Clinton won by  a bit over 27,000.  Listen to what he said Tuesday during his show about Operation Chaos

2:14 am – Email from Clinton camp, with a contribute icon –

Tonight’s victory in Indiana was close, and a margin that narrow means just one thing: every single thing you did to help us win in Indiana helped make the difference.

Every call you made, every friend you spoke to about our campaign, every dollar you contributed made tonight’s victory possible. And I couldn’t be more thankful for your hard work.

Every time we’ve celebrated a victory, we’ve celebrated it together. And tonight is no exception. This victory is your victory, this campaign is your campaign, and your support has been the difference between winning and losing.

Thank you so much for making this campaign possible. Let’s keep making history together.



Source: via politisite

1:36 am – Union county will report at 3:00 ET.  Expected to give 1500 aditional votes for Clinton

1:11 am – Clinton wins Fox, NBC, CNN 99% reporting Clinton 51% oBAMA 49%

1:09 am – Clintons lead has gone back to 22K and she will pull out the win in Indiana 51% to Obama 49% there is only about 12K votes left

1:01 am – Politisite Note: thought we would be in bed by now but the Mayor of Gary Indiana told reporters that he was going to bring Gary out for Obama, held back the vote as he is also the Democratic party chairman,  Well from where I stand,  a county chairman doesn’t count votes or gets into the Elections boards biziness as it is a state responicbility.  But some Clinton supporters, hoping that most don’t understand the process, are saying that there is fraud in Lake  County

It’s everything I ever feared: The eyes of the world are on a Lake County, Ind., election.

Lake County—fondly referred to by its denizens simply as “the Region”—is where I was born and raised. And it’s pretty much where I got my conception of what urban politics is all about.

If you’ve been watching cable TV, you’ve heard all about how Gary mayor Rudy Clay has promised to deliver big numbers to Barack Obama, for instance by busing high school kids to early-voting sites. What’s not mentioned as much is that he’s the county Democratic chairman, which means he essentially controls the election apparatus. He, have no doubt, is responsible for the fact that the vote has not been announced on time.

There’s absolutely no reason to hold off on announcing returns while you count absentee ballots. But holding back the vote, in fact, is a longstanding Lake County tradition.

Why might Rudy Clay hold back the vote? Well, back in the day, you needed time to destroy ballots from “bad” precincts and stuff boxes from the “good” ones. These days, with electronic voting, it’s a lot harder to tamper with the vote. But you can still be a big, swinging dick by playing kingmaker and keeping the nation on edge—and preventing Hillary Clinton from declaring victory at a decent hour.

Source: via politisite


12:58 am –

GARY, Ind. (AP) – Indiana’s Lake County is holding the balance in deciding whether Hillary Rodham Clinton will gain a key primary victory.

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay, an Obama supporter who is the Lake County Democratic chairman, tells The Associated Press that voters in his city are giving huge margins for Obama.

The northwest Indiana county is the state’s second-most populous
with nearly 500,000 people. It had reported no results as of 11 p.m. Eastern Time. A large number of absentee ballots and a record turnout delayed the tallies, and polls there close an hour later than much of the state because Lake is in the Central time zone.

In the rest of the state, Clinton is leading 52% to 48%.

Lake County is the state’s most diverse, with 26% of its population black and 14% Hispanic.

Source: via politisite

12:58 am –

GARY, Ind. (AP) – Indiana’s Lake County is holding the balance in deciding whether Hillary Rodham Clinton will gain a key primary victory.

Gary Mayor Rudy Clay, an Obama supporter who is the Lake County Democratic chairman, tells The Associated Press that voters in his city are giving huge margins for Obama.

The northwest Indiana county is the state’s second-most populous
with nearly 500,000 people. It had reported no results as of 11 p.m. Eastern Time. A large number of absentee ballots and a record turnout delayed the tallies, and polls there close an hour later than much of the state because Lake is in the Central time zone.

In the rest of the state, Clinton is leading 52% to 48%.

Lake County is the state’s most diverse, with 26% of its population black and 14% Hispanic.

Source: via politisite

12:56 am –

Sen. Barack Obama took a large and potentially decisive step toward the Democratic nomination Tuesday night, making dramatic symbolic and numerical gains in North Carolina and Indiana.

Obama’s emphatic North Carolina victory, and a close race in Indiana, extended his lead in the count of delegates to the Democratic National Convention, and in most counts of the combined popular vote.

As important, they diminished Clinton’s rationale for urging Democratic superdelegates to override his delegate lead and give the nomination to her.

Her case to party elders — that Obama was a flawed, flagging candidate — lost much of its altitude. Her bread-and-butter pitch to voters fell prey to the doubts Obama’s television campaign raised about her sincerity. What had been, in the best of scenarios an up hill climb, became far steeper.

“There were those who were saying that North Carolina could be a ‘game-changer’for Mrs. Clinton,” Obama jeered in his Raleigh victory speech. “But today, what North Carolina decided is that the only game that needs changing is the one in Washington, DC.”

Source: via politisite

12:35 am – Clinton lead down to 15K

95% reporting
Clinton 606, 497 51%
Obama 589,482 49%

12:29 am – Spinmasters for Clinton are out in force.  Obama’s taking a break.  The Clinton people are now spinning that Obama was up by 20 in NC we closed the gap.  Obama was 7 up in IN.  Politsite note: There was NO polls out there that said Obama had 7 points in Indiana.

12:24 am –  Union county is reporting 0%.  It is expected to go for Hillary as sourounding counties have gone to Clinton by 60%.  I am thinking that a Clinton county was held back and an Obama county is held back.  Why? It’s politics.  The differance is that Lake county is 7% of the population of the state and Union is only about .6% of the vote.  Clinton won about 1500 votes each above Obama.  So expect only a 1500 vote boost there. 

12:21 am – CNN has a mayor of one of the towns on from Lake county.  He is relating that he sees the outlying areas in Lake going for Clinton.  Obama got a few cities by over 1000 votes each.  A couple by 500 or so.  Basically we are looking at a nail biter as Cynthia Yoo reported in the comments.  Union county has not sent in data

12:16 am – there is a great deal of concern over the way the votes came out in Lake county.  27% of the votes came in all at once at 11:43 pm and nothing since.  In most cases results trickle in.  The results are from Gary Indiana but it doesn’t appear to be all of the city.  If the results are from Gary city proper.  The other numbers outside of Gary will not have as high % for Obama

12:14 am – 92% reporting  Clinton 50.7, Obama 49.3

12:06 am –  I am hearing from Clinton insiders who are steeming that Gary IN held its votes till end

11:56 pm – Only 24K votes differance now.  Obama is closing

11:53 pm – If Obama does pull this out, Clinton’s speech that said IN is a tie breaker… will be used as the reason for her to get out of the race.  The pressure will be huge

11:52 pm – The numbers coming in do show a posibility of a 600 vote win in IN

11:46 pm –  Indiana-91 % Reporting

Clinton 51 %
Obama  49%

11:43 pm – Lake county keeps giving conflicting information..  Big Change Obama is getting 75% of the vote in Lake county

11:38 pm – Until Lake and Union county report we will have no updates.  Lake county is expected to bring the margin 1-2% closer.  Some say Obama could win.  We don’t see the numbers will be enough for a win but, will almost x out her win.

11:32 pm – 97% reporting in NC Obama wins by 14% points  Obama gets 11 Delegates more than Clinton. 

11:29 pm – Rush Limbaugh Operation Chaos is claiming 7% of the cross over votes in Indiana. 

11:21 pm – Clinton need a miracle


Hillary Clinton’s strategy for winning the Democratic nomination is now a fond wish wrapped in a desperate hope.

Her fond wish is to seat the pledged delegates from the rogue states of Michigan and Florida in a way that is advantageous her and damaging to Barack Obama.

Her desperate hope is then to persuade the superdelegates to overturn the will of the pledged delegates and make her the Democratic nominee.

To achieve this, she needs momentum, spin and fear.

Her momentum was dealt a setback Tuesday night when she lost North Carolina, a large state that she had said was going to be a “game changer.” (It may turn out to be, but not in the way she had hoped.)

True, Clinton was leading in Indiana late Tuesday night, but she no longer has the luxury of split decisions. We are at the endgame, and the results of the final six primaries are pretty predictable: Clinton probably wins Kentucky, West Virginia and Puerto Rico, and Obama probably wins Oregon, Montana and South Dakota.

This outcome almost certainly will leave Obama with a lead in pledged delegates. And it would be hard for Clinton to spin those results as a victory.

Source: via politisite

11:10 pm – Fox, although has not called it for Clinton, they are arguing that it is not likley for an Obama to comeback and win.  They do think that the margin will come down to 1-2% win for Clinton.  In this case Politisite thinks that Super Delegates will defect in numbers.  20 Days from now it is all over.  Do i think Hillary will get out?  No way  She is going to the Convention, which is good for me as I am covering the convention this year.  Now there is some back room talk about a combined ticket.  My Opinion?  Barrack should not put Hillary on the ticket if he want’s to run the White House.  Now if you are an art of war fan… keep your friends close and your enemies closer… than go for it. 

11:06 pm – As the NPR  commentator said, Hillary is like the Woman in Fatal Attraction, she won’t die!  Eek Eek Eek !  One of her campaign opperatives said, she has more lives than a cat.

11:03 pm – where did Hillary get the Tie breaker quote from Obama?

“I think Indiana is very important,” Obama said. “We’ve got three contests coming up in pretty big states — Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Indiana. They all have significant numbers of delegates, and they are states where Sen. Clinton and I are actively campaigning.” 

“You know, Sen. Clinton is more favored in Pennsylvania,” he added, “and I’m right now a little more favored in North Carolina, so Indiana right now may end up being the tiebreaker. So we want to work very hard in Indiana. While Sen. Clinton has some advantages here, I benefit coming from an adjoining state.”

Source: via politisite

10:59 pm – A confused Blogger –

Um, I have a question
So right now I’m watching Hillary Clinton give an acceptance speech for winning Indiana.  The problem is there are two counties that haven’t reported their results yet.  They make up more than 8% of the vote, the bigger of the two counties an expected Obama stronghold.  Her margin of victory so far is about 4%.  Obama wouldn’t need that much to come even or possibly win the popular vote.

This large county in question is Lake County, which borders Chicago in Illinois.  It’s a county with over 100,000 absentee ballots and the election officials have decided not to reveal the results until the count the absentee votes.  

Isn’t a victory speech a little premature?  Especially considering Obama’s margin of victory in North Carolina is roughly 14% in a state with much more votes and delegate.

Source: via politisite

10:53 pm – Politisite is hearing that Lake county will release it’s votes soon after 11 pm

10:50 pm –

They are hand counting the absentee ballots in Lake County, Indiana where Gary is situated. The networks are waiting for those results to call the race.

Source: via politisite

10:45 pm –

Lake County is delaying its results, reportedly because it’s counting absentee votes and won’t release results until those are counted. My skeptical side figures that, even if Clinton is winning the state, someone in Lake County figures to jam up her ability to claim victory until after most folks go to bed. She’s up by about 4% but Lake County could possibly erase that advantage.

Source: via politisite

10:41 pm – Two counties have not reported in Indiana Lake and Union county

10:36 pm – Que Clinton, Bill, Hill, and Chelsea.  Bill is red faced.  Crowd yells Hillary.. Hillary.  Thank you Indiana. Brings up Indiana as said by Obama that it was the tie breaker and she claims victory in the race.  Will contiinue the jouney.. here is where she asks for money and gives the website address.  Makes appeal to Burma to allow workers in to help.  MI and FL we nee to count the votes

10:30 pm – NC –  18,986 voted no preferance.  IN – Clinton campaign says their may be some political sabatoge in Lake County as she can’t give her speech without them.  They are upset.  Clinton is going to speak anyway and declare a win in IN.  They dont want the country to go to sleep w/o hearing from her. Lake county is expected to come in high for Barrack.  The votes have not been counted in that county

10:29 pm – North Carolina – 80% Reporting

Obama 56%
Clnton 42%

10:29 pm –  Indiana-84 % Reporting

Clinton 52 %
Obama  48%

9:49 pm – Based upon the numbers,   Clinton will have to get 2-1 super delegates to win and 67% wins in all states left.  The math just dosn’t cut it.  Obama’s Gary IN Lake county has not come in which means Clinton’s lead in IN will be less than 4%.  Obama has made our projects look bad as He got back a doble digit lead and cut Clinton’s lead from 8% to around 3-4%.  Obama beat our best expectations in these races

9:47 pm – North Carolina – 57% Reporting

Obama 56%
Clnton 42%

9:47 pm –  Indiana-76 % Reporting – Clinton’s lead  has dimished

Clinton 52 %
Obama  48%

9:41 pm – 200 economosts say, “Tax Holiday” Bad Idea

FROM CNN’s Jack Cafferty:

What are the chances 200 economists would know more about the gas-tax holiday proposals of John McCain and Hillary Clinton? Clinton and McCain would like to buy your vote for somewhere between $28 and $70, which is how much you would save if their idea ever happens… which it won’t. If it does, I will eat an Exxon station.

The economists – including four Nobel Prize winners, advisers to past presidents and Republicans as well as Democrats (some of whom are Clinton supporters) – signed a letter rejecting the candidates’ plans for the summertime tax relief.

They say it would simply generate major profits for oil companies, instead of significantly lowering prices for consumers. Also, they say it would encourage people to keep buying expensive imported oil, instead of conserving. Lastly, they believe such a tax holiday wouldn’t provide much relief for families who feel squeezed by current economic conditions.

Barack Obama has said all along this is nothing more than a political “gimmick.” Top House Democrats – including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman of the Financial Services Committee Barney Frank – have also come out against these proposals.

Source: via politisite

9:27 pm – North Carolina – 39% Reporting

Obama 57%
Clnton 41%

9:25 pm –  Indiana-72 % Reporting

Clinton 52 %
Obama  48%

9:10 pm – Que Obama, Thank you NC, thank you so much.  I ove you back, I truly do.  He thanks the congressional delegation, NC state Universtity, to state county, local election, not  a game changer, the only thing that needs to be changed is Washington, I want to thank Senator Clinton.  Thank Indiana, and thanks to NC, victory in a big state, a swing state.  We are less than 200 delegates away from nomination. This has been one of the longest contests in American history.  He related that there is bruised feelings on both sides.  But this election is not about Hillary, Obama, or McCain… its about you.  When this is over we have to remeber who we are as Democrats.  We intend to march on as one democratic party.  We don’t need a Bush third term.  Crowd chants… Yes we can, yes we can

9:05 pm –  Indiana-69 % Reporting

9:05 pm –  Indiana-69 % Reporting

Clinton 53 %
Obama  47%

9:05 pm – North Carolina – 27% Reporting

Obama 59%
Clinton 39%

9:01 pm – Politisite Note:  Joint ticket talk is in chatter, Big meeting on May 31 with Democratic officals.  Obama will be speaking in a few minutes in NC

9:00 pm – North Carolina – 23% Reporting

Obama 61%, Clinton 37%

8:56 pm –  Indiana-65 % Reporting

Clinton 53 %
Obama  47%

8:53 pm North Carolina – 21% Reporting

Obama 63%
Clinton 37%

8:52 pm – CBS has projected Clnton win in IN

8:49 pm – Obama campaign is sayng that the major counties that IN have not reported.  Obama camp also says that Republican crossovers have voted for Clinton up to 10%

8:47 pm – Chatter in the Clinton campaign is that the Delegate numbers sould be raised from what has been agreed on.  Clinton campaign sent out a letter saying that since Obama didn’t win IN she vows to go on.  Politisite note:  we wouldn’t have expecte anything less

8:41 pm –  Indiana-53% Reporting

Clinton 54% 
Obama  46%

8:39pm – North Carolina – 15% Reporting

Obama 64%
Clinton 36%

8:37pm –  Indiana-53% Reporting

Clinton 54% 
Obama  46%

8:24pm – North Carolina – 12% Reporting

Obama 65%
Clinton 35%

8:23pm –  Indiana-47% Reporting

Clinton 55% 
Obama  45%

8:17pm – North Carolina – 10% Reporting

Obama 65%
Clinton 35%

8:17 pm –  Indiana-42% Reporting

Clinton 56% 
Obama  44%

8:15pm – North Carolina – 9% Reporting

Obama 66%
Clinton 34%

8:08pm – North Carolina – 6% Reporting

Obama 65%
Clinton 34%

8:06 pm –  Indiana-39% Reporting

Clinton 56% 
Obama  44%

8:03pm – North Carolina – 4% Reporting

Obama 64%
Clinton 34%

7:59 pm – North Carolina – 1% Reporting

Obama 69%
Clinton 31%

7:55pm –  Indiana-31% Reporting

Clinton 57% 
Obama  43%

7:50pm –  Indiana-29% Reporting

Clinton 57% 
Obama  43%

7:48 pm – North Carolina – 3% Reporting

Obama 67%
Clinton 33%

7:47pm –  Indiana-27% Reporting

Clinton 57% 
Obama  43%

7:45 pm – North Carolina – 1% Reporting

Obama 48%
Clinton 51%

7:43 pm – North Carolina – 0% Reporting

Obama 40%
Clinton 60%

7:40 pm – North Carolina – 0% Reporting

Obama 23%
Clinton 73%

7:40pm –  Indiana-22% Reporting

Clinton 57% 
Obama  43%

7:36 pm – NC – If exit polling is correct, Obama wins by double digits.  See PPP_ NC for our view on exit polling for Obama.  We think exit polling over staes his Leads.  We still stick to our 6.5% win until data says were are wrong.

7:34 pm –  Indiana- 20% Reporting – note: most large cities have not reported which should change the numbers to a closer margin

Clinton 58% 
Obama  42%

Full NC Exit Polls

7:31 pm –  Indiana- 17% Reporting

Clinton 57% 
Obama  43%

7:30 pm – Politiste, CNN, NBC, Fox call NC for Obama

7:24 pm –  Indiana- 14% Reporting

Clinton 58% 
Obama  42%

7:19 pm – Indiana – 12% Reporting

Clinton 58% 
Obama  42%

7:16 pm –  Indiana- 10% Reporting

Clinton 58% 
Obama  42%

7:12 pm –  Indiana- 9% Reporting

Clinton 57% 
Obama  43%

7:09 pm – Fox is reporting that Obama  71% of the under-30 vote in NC, Clinton 71% of the 65+ vote

7:08 pm –  Indiana- 7% Reporting

Clinton 59% 
Obama  41%

7:06 pm – Politiste Calls Indiana for Clinton with 53% win

7:01 pm – Indiana-Obama leads in 3 counties, Clinton leads in 13

7:00 pm – Polls Closed in Indiana

6:49 pm – Indiana- 5% Reporting

Clinton 58% 
Obama  42%

6:55 pm – Indiana- 3% Reporting – Obama is leading in one county

Clinton 59% 
Obama  41%

6:51 pm – Indiana data is coming from Conservative rich counties.  101 of 5230 percincts reporting

6:49 pm – Indiana- 3% Reporting

Clinton 61% 
Obama  39%

6:44 pm – None of the major cities are reporting data from Indiana.  Expect Obama numbers to rise to the 40s when they do

6:38 pm – McCain is wining Indiana with 77% of the vote.  Huckabee 10%, Paul 7%, Romney 5%

6:37 pm – Indiana- 2% Reporting

Clinton 61% 
Obama  39%

6:36 pm – Indiana is reporting data from 12 counties, Clinton winning all of them by 12+

6:35 pm – Indiana- 1% Reporting

Clinton 61% 
Obama  39%

6:31 pm – Indiana- 0% Reporting

Clinton 60% 
Obama  38%

6:28 pm – Clinton is strong in Stueben, Miami, Clinton Counties.  Most of these numbers are the early voting numbers. 

6:25 pm – data is only coming in from 6 counties

6:22 pm – Indiana- 0% Reporting

Clinton 64% 
Obama  36%

6:10 pm –

Hillary is up by a margin of  7.5 in Indiana , Obama is up by a margin of 12 in North Carolina

UPDATE: At least one exit poll has Clinton losing Indiana by 1

Source: via politisite

6:01 pm – some polls close in Indiana

6:00 pm –

The early exit polls are in: It’s the economy, stupid, not health care or Iraq. Detailed demographic data should start trickling in around 6 p.m. Trust it if you dare.

I still think she needs a blowout in Indiana to offset one in North Carolina but the Nation seems to think a win is a win. Mull this over while you wait, savoring the “nightmare scenario” we may very well find ourselves in three or four hours from now. One or both of us will be liveblogging; as always, comments are welcome. If you’re imbibing and need a drinking game to play, Mark Halperin has made things easy for you. Or, if that’s too complicated, just tune into MSNBC and take a swig every time Rachel Maddow smirks. You’ll be unconscious by nine.

Update: Drudge says Obama wins easily in NC per the early exits. That makes sense demographically. So all she can do at this point is hold serve, i.e. no big game-changer tonight.

Source: via politisite

5:46 pm –  10% of Republicans crossed over to vote in the Democratic primary

5:22 pm – Here is the AP report we expected.  Full exit polling should be following. Preliminary results from exit polling by Edison Media Research and Mitofsky International for The Associated Press and television networks. Partial samples in 35 precincts each in Indiana and North Carolina

Highlights from preliminary results of exit polling Tuesday in the Indiana and North Carolina Democratic primaries for The Associated Press and television networks:


The economy was on voters’ minds in Democratic primaries in Indiana and North Carolina. Two-thirds of Democratic primary voters in Indiana and nearly as many in North Carolina said the economy is the most important issue facing the nation. That’s more than have said so in 28 previous competitive Democratic primaries with exit polls this year.

Only about one in five in each state said Iraq was the top issue, and even fewer picked health care from a list of three issues.

Four in 10 Indiana Democratic voters said the current recession or economic slowdown has affected their family a great deal. Nearly as many said that in North Carolina.


Indiana’s Democratic primary was open to all voters. About one in five said they were independents and one in 10 identified themselves as Republican. North Carolina’s Democratic primary was open only to voters registered Democratic or unaffiliated; nearly one in five voters in that contest called themselves independents.


The exit poll estimated blacks made up about a third of voters in the North Carolina Democratic primary, about one in seven in Indiana. More than half of voters in both states were women, which is typical for Democratic primaries. About one in seven voters in Indiana and slightly fewer in North Carolina were under age 30; about a quarter in North Carolina and somewhat fewer in Indiana were over age 65.

5:30 pm – Video from IndyStar

Source: via politisite

5:18 pm –  Turn out breaks records in NC.  Our video shows modest. Cossover voting a factor in Indiana

The two precincts at Broad Ripple Family Center selected Republican Jon Elrod over Democrat Andre Carson in March’s special election for U.S. Congress. But by 9 a.m., just 21 voters in one of those precincts had requested Republican ballots — out of 168 cast.

Amid heavy turnout, Republicans appeared to be crossing over in droves today in Marion County and suburban counties, where fewer Republican voters might impact down-ticket primary races.

Source: via politisite

5:16 pm – Obama up by 6% in NC, too close to call in IN

5:11 pm –  CNN Exit Polling , Was Rev. Wright an important factor in your decision for who you voted for?

IN 49% Not Important , NC 50% Not Important

4:50 pm – At 6:00 ET we will move all of the above data to the bottom of the page so It will be easy to come back to see updates t the top of the page

4:48 Pm –

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) – Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama battled in the Indiana and North Carolina primaries on Tuesday, the last big-delegate prizes left in their marathon race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Obama began the day with 1,745.5 delegates, to 1,608 for Clinton, out of 2,025 needed for the nomination.

Both races were dominated in their final days by Clinton’s call for a summertime suspension of the federal gasoline tax, an issue that she created after scoring a victory in the Pennsylvania primary two weeks ago.

Obama ridiculed the proposal as a stunt that would cost jobs, not the break for consumers she claimed. The two rivals dug in, devoting personal campaign time and television commercials to the issue.

Source: via politisite

4:07 pm – Clinton’s victory rally a the Murat ballroom in Indianapolis. Obama  at the coliseum in Raleigh, N.C.   We will have video From Raleigh in a few hours.

3:37 pm – The Charolotte Observer has this to say about turn out in NC and early voting demographics

3:53 pm –  John Edwards will not give his endorsement to either of the candidates.

What doesn’t he like about Clinton? “Um, still a lot of the old politics,” John Edwards said.

As for Obama, he says: “Sometimes I want to see more substance under the rhetoric.”

Source: via politisite

3:48 pm –

72 delegates will be divided by Clinton and Obama.

We expect Hillary Clinton to carry this state handily but the voters may have other ideas on their mind. As has been noted by our brilliant commenters on various election threads, Indiana is not that much different from Ohio or Pennsylvania demographically speaking.

As we await the Democrat primary results, see the final campaign videos thanks to Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice who can always be counted on for brilliant analysis

We will give you the data and make the call before any of the major news sources. They will keep you hanging for ratings, while we will give you the facts just as early as they are known.

Here are the polls on election eve:

Exit Polls

Source: via politisite

3:32 pm – A late Zogby tracking poll came out with Obama with a 2.3% point lead in Indiana.  Zogby was right on in PA giving clinton a 10 point lead.  We disagree with most pundits and pollsters, We think that Obama will win NC with a 6.5% lead rather than the 12+ pollsters views.  We think Clinton will win with 7 points in Indiana.  If Obama pulls at a win in Indiana, the pressure for Clinton will be very high.  We thing tonight will be a stale mate.

3:24 pm – The Fix Gives Exit Poll advise

Don’t Trust the Early Exits: Exit polling is supposed to stay secret until the polls close but, let’s be honest, that ain’t happening. Remember that when you start seeing exit numbers shortly after 5 p.m. These are incomplete numbers based on interviews done early in the day. The last several sets of early exits in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio have drastically underweighted Sen. Clinton’s ultimate showings. Although the television networks use exit polling as part of their calculation in calling races, the true value of it is in understanding the shape and look of the electorate after the fact.

Source: via politisite

3:18 pm – Rush Limbaugh encourages Republicans to vote in the Democratic Primary for Senator Clinton may skew results.

The so-called commander of “Operation Chaos”, Limbaugh has been exhorting his conservative listeners to “muddy the waters of the Democrat (sic) primary” by casting votes for Senator Clinton. Although not normally seen as a real ally of the Clinton’s, Limbaugh feels that blood needlessly spilled by Democrats furthers the cause he champions. By that cause I don’t mean OxyContin for himself and other elites, but rather the continued polarization of the United States. Within this polarized environment Limbaugh can likely attain the ultimate goal of his soul mate, Grover Norquist, who has said he wants to not kill government, but “shrink it in size to the point it can be drowned in a bathtub”. Or in Mrs.Clinton case, the “kithcen sink”?

Source: via politisite

May 6, 2008

by Albert N. Milliron, Iron Mill Interactive Media Inc. &

Hello all you pundits, politicos, politstes, pollsters, politisites, political junkies, and casual political readers. Your at the right place for exit polling data that is beginning to leak from North Carolina & Indiana.  We will start with brining you that coverage first. 

Later, tonight when the polls close we will bring you real time election results right from the North Carolina & Indiana election department of the Secretary of States offices.

We often receive chatter from the campaigns, sometimes called leaks to the press.  Politisite has sources in both campaigns so you will be sure to hear some of those stories here first.  We suggest you check back several times during the night as we will be providing updates every few minutes following the close of the polls.

If there is any problems at any of the polling stations, those reports are a matter of public record.  if any legal action takes place, you will hear that here as well.

Our extensive satellite equipment is on line for this primary. We will provide video as it unfolds from on scene

The Politisite Bottom line is that you should keep NowPublic and Politisite Blogs in Que for updates throughout the night until all of the results are in. You are at the Nets HOT SPOT for all of North Carolina & Indiana’s election coverage

Other NowPublic Stories on the North Carolina and Indiana Primary

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North Carolina Voting info: Who Can Vote? (R),(…

Obama NC primary victory speech Vote early in the NC primary Barack Obama speaking at the 2008 North Carolina Jefferson-Jackson Dinner 2008-05-02-T214910-000095-SD800IS.jpg 2008-05-02-T203528-000072-SD800IS.jpg Compelling race empowers high voter turnout. NC, IN Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News & Commentary from North Carolina & Indiana Barack Obama ONE WAY  "OBAMA STREET"!!!! 101_0765 NC, IN Politisite Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, Breaking News & Commentary from North Carolina & Indiana Exit Polls, Real Time Election Results, News as it Happens from Politisite Real Time Election Results South Carolina Democratic Primary

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